In a key milestone for maritime decarbonization, the Port of Thessaloniki (ThPA S.A.) has become the first port in the EU and the Mediterranean to integrate RightShip’s Maritime Emissions Portal (MEP) under the HELMEPA-led METAVASEA project, with the support of Lloyd’s Register Foundation.
Through this one-year pilot, Thessaloniki sets a new regional benchmark for sustainability, providing critical insights into value chain (Scope 3) emissions and enabling targeted, data-driven action. This pioneering initiative significantly advances emissions monitoring, empowering ports and shipping stakeholders to track and reduce their environmental impact. “At ThPA S.
A., sustainability is at the core of our strategy. Piloting the MEP reinforces our role in setting new standards in the port industry.
By tracking and measuring value chain emissions from incoming vessels, we gain vital insights into the environmental impact of this activity, enabling targeted actions that support “greener” practices in the maritime industry. Beyond our role as a port, we actively engage with the community, ensuring our business practices align with environmental, social, and governance principles. This initiative supports our continuous progress in safeguarding the environment in the local geography we serve, creating social added value” said Athanasios Liagkos, Executive Chairman of the BoD of ThPA S.
A. “HELMEPA leads METAVASEA, a collective initiative of maritime stakeholders to advance dec.