
The Platform 2: Release Date, Trailer, Cast, & Plot By Directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, , also known as El Hoyo 2, is a Spanish-language satirical sci-fi drama film. The plot follows an inmate’s fight against the mysterious leader’s ruthless feeding system to inmates in a vertical prison within an inverted tower. If you are curious about updates on the release, date, trailer, cast, and plot, we have got you covered.

Here’s everything you need to know. The Platform 2 Release date — when is The Platform 2 coming out? It is a Spanish dark-satirical sci-fi drama film. The plot revolves around a prison inmate.

His calm life turns tragic after he decides to revolt against the wretched feeding system. Not only this, but he also stands up against the mysterious leader’s disgusting way of feeding the inmates based on their tier levels and list of offenses. The Platform 2 Trailer — watch it now You can watch The Platform 2 trailer below: The trailer displays the ominous world of inmates from all age groups who are living inside a vertical prison.

Making protocols and ruling this prison is a mysterious leader. He has deployed a system of feeding inmates food only once a day. In this prison, a new inmate enters who becomes disillusioned looking at the system.

Whatever happens next alters his fate forever. The Platform 2 Cast — who is in The Platform 2? The Platform 2’s cast includes: Plot – what’s the story about? Inside an inverted tower at a place in Spain, a vertical prison for keeping criminals and offenders has been made. In this horrifying prison, the living arrangements of prisoners change each week randomly.

Moreover, they are given levels as per their degree of crime. Maintaining order in this prison system is an elusive leader. He has created a brutal system of providing jail prisoners with food at only fixed times each day.

Because of this system, it is a daily struggle for all prisoners to survive. Amid these miserable conditions, a new man enters the jail system as an inmate. Will this spitfire prisoner’s arrival inside the jail shake the leader’s order? Vrinda Mundara currently holds the position of an experienced Pop Culture and Entertainment writer at ComingSoon.

net, where she blends her love for all things Hollywood and Pop Culture with her refined skills in creating content. In free time, Vrinda loves to write poems, watch films, and also indulges in candid photography. Check out her profile for reading latest trending Entertainment Content ! Share article Related.

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