
2024 is on a cosmic mission to refine, redefine and reset every aspect of our lives. September is marked by several pivotal shifts including a partial lunar eclipse coinciding with the Super Harvest Moon in Pisces on September 18 in the middle of multiple retrogrades . This convergence occurs on the brink of the Autumn Equinox and ‘Pitru Paksha’—a Vedic astrological period for honouring our ancestors; a lot like Halloween, except lasting an entire fortnight.

As the veil between the dimensions thins towards the October 2nd annular solar eclipse in Libra, it is a golden time to shed layers with a core focus on emotions, relationships and finances. Here’s how you can restore balance to your life during the upcoming partial lunar eclipse and Super Harvest Moon: Aries Slow down and savour each moment. While others may think you’re cuckoo, only you can see the magic dust you hold in your hand.

This is a period marked by rapid spiritual growth and activations where embers of the past fade and all that remains is a new perspective that leads you towards effortless manifestations. Taurus Your connection to your home element, Earth, is amplified during this period. For some, this could translate to embarking on a quest close to their heart, specifically around leaving behind a lighter carbon footprint or feeling a call to serve the environment in a bigger way.

For others, it simply translates into feeling more centred, connected and grounded—be it through breathwork, gardening, sitting still, slowing down or healing with water. Gemini Freedom in the most unconventional sense is your destiny starting now. A longing to find a familiarity not knowing what you seek brings you to a deeper space within, where you meet what lights up your soul .

If you’ve picked up a belief that something is not possible, add ‘for others’ as a suffix. Cancer You are the portal that breathes life into your visions, Cancer. Travel—physically or metaphorically—to activate latent gifts and ideas that seamlessly weave into the tapestry of your life.

Jump right in. This part of your life is an ode to all your secretly held dreams that are unboxing right in front of your eyes. Make a wish and end it with ‘and so it is’ to expedite it.

Leo There is a lot more than meets the eye so wait it out until you land on your feet. Let yourself be seen to welcome unexpected invitations . Trust that niggling voice in your head that guides you forward.

Be unafraid to take the road less trodden. Remember that your charisma and enthusiasm make you irresistibly magnetic to the universe and its willingness to give. Virgo Forge don’t follow—but don’t force either.

Your double mission of making a difference in your outer and inner worlds is ignited when you choose gentle flow over a hammered approach. Keep your light bright and your heart pure to ace one step at a time. You’ve done this often, you can do it again.

Libra There is a sweet undercurrent beneath it all, Libra. If you care to look deeper, you will be able to see how well the grander picture fits itself into the smaller parts of your life. Shrug off burdens that are not yours to carry.

Water your garden slowly and softly. Slowing down is not just the best medicine but the true rhythm of life. Scorpio Loosen your grip and allow yourself to drift into new directions.

Comfort and luxury are your well-earned rewards and you will get to them sooner if only you pause to listen to the whisperings of the universe. You are being led away from lost lands into ripe new potentials . Hit snooze and allow things to unfold before it’s time to jump right in.

Sagittarius A new portal opens up for you as we move towards the upcoming October solar eclipse, taking you back to the narrative you witnessed around April this year for final closure. As one chapter in your soul’s plan finally closes, a renewed, brighter chapter awaits. Expect new people, resources and sparks of inspiration to appear out of the blue, and remember that while you walk through the tunnel one last time, you are now powerful enough to create whatever you wish of it.

Capricorn You have been meeting many different versions of yourself lately. This distorted part of your life serves a higher purpose as it not only mirrors your energy back to you but also gives you an honest shot at dissolving the stories that you do not wish to carry forward anymore. Triggers always serve a purpose and help you take baby steps towards lasting change.

Aquarius Some of you may be birthing something or someone new—literally and figuratively. What began in Leo season is likely to climax around the October annual solar eclipse for you. Continue to sing your song, indulge in some sound therapy or keep your favourite pumped-up playlist going.

What you receive is directly proportional to how much you enjoy life. Does it make sense now? Pisces Homesick not knowing exactly where home is. Welcome to the next phase in your spiritual journey where you realise that loneliness stems from a feeling of separation.

If you take a minute to close your eyes and tune into your heart , you will be home within seconds. Your angels want you to remember that no matter what you do, you will never go astray. Choose as your heart desires and you will finally belong.

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