Leading Indian watch brand Titan Watches has just launched a new collection, one that brings a piece of the galaxy to your wrists. Our world has been inexplicably drawn to the vastness of space for as long as one can remember – from the first space mission in 1957 to today as India prepares for Gaganyaan. The enduring fascination with space is apparent in almost every medium including high fashion, films and even everyday astrophotography and astrology- space remains one of the most exciting concepts to mankind.
Continuing on a similar trajectory, Titan watches look to the moon and the stars for inspiration, launching another scintillating collection. This one takes wearers closer to outer space than ever before, drawing influences from the vastness of space- from the metallic in-frames to the tinted exoskeleton and intricate design. With this collection made for Astro enthusiasts who are drawn to detail, Titan bids to bring a tangible part of the cosmos to your wrist What makes Stellar 2.
0 truly special is its unique craftsmanship- imbuing the details of celestial wonders intrinsically into each timepiece. Alongside multifunction movements, the Titan Stellar is also equipped with an interesting moon-phase complication which is added onto the movement, reflecting the actual phases of the moon. In other words, the moon on the dial shifts in real time along with the hands of the watch! What makes this possible is the ingenious design model of the watch that integrates timekee.