
Social Security taxation is finally coming to the public’s eye. Since 1983 the income levels for taxation are 25K/34K. These numbers have not been raised at all.

For a single person, 25K may have been a good number then but not now. These numbers should be raised every year. Retired Person Regarding the 1st Amendment and tax exemption for religious organizations (not just churches:) Chief Justice John Marshall, in McCulloch v.

Maryland, said that “the power to tax involves the power to destroy.” Taxing religious organizations means the government has the power to control them. Clearly a violation of the Constitution.

Taxing religious organizations is making laws respecting (meaning referring to and controlling, not having feelings about them) religion, a flat-out violation. Cato “There is no question that I am in favor of banning fracking.” – Kamala Harris.

In 2021, the fees tied to fracking generated $234 million in revenue for Pennsylvania communities. In 2022, the natural gas sector in PA supported 123,000 tax-paying jobs that delivered $41 billion in economic activity. M.

Furlong Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the ultra-liberal “Dream Team”. As a senator, Harris was more liberal than Bernie Sanders, and Gov, Walz is left of Gavin Newsome. God help us if these socialists win the election.

I commend Kamala Harris for her wisdom in endorsing President Trump’s policies. Just this past weekend she came out and endorsed President Trump’s policy for eliminating income tax on tips. Wondering if Kamala is renouncing the bill that she cast the tie-breaking vote on that was meant to track down unpaid taxes on tips.

President Trump is a leader and Kamala Harris is a follower. Michael Stern The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the largest Latino civil rights organization, endorsed that Harris/Walz ticket. It is the first time that they have endorsed a presidential candidate since its founding in 1929.

You can’t make this stuff up! Jay Miller Biden/Harris Economics — Since 2021, energy costs have risen 32.9% and automobile insurance has increased 48%. Kamala’s pick for her VP, Tim Walz, mocked his Republican opponent’s amazing life story, but he only managed to highlight his own shortcomings.

Walz is now ducking questions of why he claimed to have been in combat when he actually retired from the National Guard to avoid being deployed to Iraq with his unit. Robert Minninger Info Depot, what will you say when you stand before the Lord and he asks you why you wanted millions of people to die because you decided, with no scientific facts, that vaccines were bad? When he asks you why you spread false information that could have saved millions of children around the world? RealAmerica From a Paper written in 1954 on how to overturn a democracy: divide the nation, say everything is racist, distrust police, open the borders, engender the military to weaken it, more taxes, riot with no accountability, control voting and media. Sound familiar? Everything Harris and Walz have done and more.

Dot Weirdos Harris/Walz are proponents for post-birth abortion. Normal people call that murder. Brandon LJ – When CEO on average made only 20 to 100 times that of the lowest paid workers (1950s-1990s), instead of 344 times the lowest paid workers, we still had a strong growing stock market, so yes Buttercup, you can have it both ways.

Reasonable laws, unions and regulations exist to help balance unchecked greed and power (oligarchy). KC I can’t imagine voting for a middle-aged disrespectful, unqualified woman for president. She’s like an entitled and jealous little kid, name-calling and spewing lies.

If that knee-bruised so-called lady wins, I will know that she and her Lefty Lucy’s stole and cheated on the election again. She lives in a world of DEI and Socialism and has no intention of making things better for our future. Mainstream media propaganda protects her.

K Lynne It completely baffles me how working Americans and retired people continue to vote Democratic. How long does it take to learn that Democratic always means higher taxes and regulations to become higher inflation? Who do you think will pay for the millions of new voters Biden/Harris is bringing across the border? Sucker taxpayer, that’s who and that’s you. We won’t last long if we continue defying the wisdom of our founding fathers.

Keep America Free It will be interesting, Harris was the forgotten nothing vice president just a few weeks ago, not she’s the exciting new, dynamic presidential candidate for the democratic party, who is totally catering to the far, far Left. We’ll see how the social media and MSM and the democratic party and all of the different governmental agencies go about building her up and demonizing Trump. It’s all about the Optics!! H John KC thinks Tim Walz is “a breath of fresh air.

” Just imagine the corrupted air KC has been breathing up till this point if Tim Walz is considered a breath of fresh air. ‘Nuff said. Hamala Stolen Valor is a federal crime punishable by fine, prison and loss of military retiree benefits.

Donald Trump saw more combat in Butler, PA than Tim Walz ever did in the National Guard. Character matters. Major Tim Walz is the guy who asks if you need help with a creepy guy at a bar.

JD Vance is that creepy guy at the bar. Vance and convicted felon Trump are weird! Patriot54 “Mr. Trump, do you decide if the election is honest and fair?” Disingenuous answer: “Americans will decide.

” No. Election officials decide. Some GOP loyalists plan not to certify, win or lose, creating electoral chaos.

Why else would Trump say, “I have enough votes. I don’t need your votes.”? He believes a GOP-controlled House will make him President, regardless of the vote count.

Question those officials, now. Say you won’t allow it, at their legal peril. Looks like the Democrats found their designated liar to pinch hit for Joe Biden and it is Tim Walz.

You can’t believe a word the man says. He said he carried arms into combat, but he didn’t. Walz claims to have retired as a Command Sergeant Major, but he didn’t.

NPR fact check showed when Walz talked about the Minneapolis riots he claimed only 20% were Minnesotians but NPR said 86% were — Walz lies. Dan Fields FYI ..

.Trump didn’t kill, and couldn’t have killed, the Democrat’s so-called Border Deal. Just to remind deranged Never-Trumpers, Donald Trump was a private citizen when Democrats tried to push their pork-filled left-wing special interest spending splurge through Congress.

Less than 20% of that multi-trillion-dollar bill would’ve gone towards actually securing the border. The rest is toward wasteful radical progressive programs. The Dems were exposed and that’s why their bill failed.

Professor Potts You have to hand it to Jay Miller, he is a riot. He submitted a comment that said the stock market was down 2000 days under Trump. Trump was only president for four years.

2000 days is over 5 years. But that is the nonsense you get with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris voters. Vicky If Dems are so wonderful how come my wife got a message that started with my name and she is a registered Republican? I’m registered as a Democrat only because I was a Teamster.

Mike S Hey Patriot54, I read this on the Internet: The definition of politically correct? It means giving up your own beliefs and opinions in order to please some whiny crybabies. MAGA Maggie Hey JR: Of the four Americans that were released, only one (Whelan) was imprisoned during Trump’s term as President. The other three (Gershkovich, Kara-Mursa and Kurmasheva) were locked up during sleepy Joe’s term.

Google it! Now show everyone the rest of your IQ by describing how a president can get prisoners released when they’re not even imprisoned. You should be banned from Sound Off for spreading false information. And you call Trump a liar? Still Amazed A genetic male punching a real woman’s lights out in the Olympics is what Democrats like Tim Walz, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris call “progress.

” Bily G. A man walks into a magic forest and tries to cut down a talking tree. “You can’t cut me down,” the tree complains.

“I’m a talking tree!” The man responds, “You may be a talking tree, but you will dialogue.” Bill Wilson I don’t mean to brag, but, I’ve won just as many primaries as Kamala Harris. The Snarky Conservative The other morning, at breakfast, a guy showed me a picture of his girlfriend and said, “Isn’t she beautiful?” I said, “If you think she’s beautiful, you should see my neighbor.

” He said, “Is she pretty?” I said, “No. She’s an optometrist!” Jim Fitch Sound Off is an opinion forum for Mercury readers to comment on today’s news. Submissions must be 75 words or less and are subject to editing for grammar and clarity.

Publication of submissions is at the sole discretion of the editor. Email your comment to [email protected].

Use “Sound Off” in the subject line of the email..

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