
The international investor and philanthropist, Javad Marandi, shows ongoing support for tackling youth homelessness in the UK with a commitment to a significant charitable donation. As reported by LUX Magazine , The Marandi Foundation has committed to donate £1m to the UK youth homelessness charity, Centrepoint. On a mission to end youth homelessness by 2037, the charity has dedicated centres across the UK.

Speaking to LUX Magazine about the importance of this donation and support, Marandi said: “Youth homelessness is an increasingly urgent issue across the world. If young people are homeless, through no fault of their own, as well as the obvious misery and physical and mental risk, they lack access to education, training, and opportunity and risk being “lost lives”.” Established in 2017, The Marandi Foundation is a registered charity, co-chaired by Javad Marandi and his wife, Narmina.

The Foundation’s aim is set out in a letter from the co-chairs – to help the “most vulnerable and disadvantaged children, families and communities as well as art and cultural initiatives” in the UK. As per a statement on The Marandi Foundation’s website, the organisation is “dedicated to providing disadvantaged young people and communities in the UK with access to training and educational opportunities, as well as mental health and wellbeing support services.” “The Foundation also provides significant support to public art institutions and major cultural history initiat.

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