Spring has almost sprung, and with it comes the perfect new soundtrack for romping through wildflower-covered hills. The Lumineers released their fifth studio album, “Automatic,” this past Valentine’s Day. The album seamlessly blends the trials and tribulations of love with the classic folk-rock vibe the band has become famous for.
With a runtime of just under 33 minutes, it dives deep into the complexities of love, heartbreak and unworkable relationships, telling a moving story seamlessly interwoven throughout each song. It begins with the upbeat tune of “Same Old Song,” a lively hit with a catchy drum-centric melody primed for radio contention. The easily screamable chorus is full of heartbreak, depicting the deterioration of a relationship on the rocks and sets the stage beautifully for the rest of the album’s narrative.
Following such a lively song, “Asshole” turns to the slower side, tapping into a more traditional Lumineers sound with piano melodies and soft-building drums. It depicts the happier moments of first meeting, falling in love and finding a lasting connection with someone. It carries a bit of a self-deprecating tune, alluding to the future tribulations of songs later in the album, but overall, it is surely sweet and very relatable.
Rounding out the first act of the album is a transitional and short instrumental build, setting the scene for the impending downslide of relationship turmoil. “Automatic” (my personal favorite) and the titular s.