
Nerve-jangled residents of what is believed to be 's oldest village take their lives in their hands crossing a centuries old narrow bridge because they have to "run the gauntlet" during the brief change of lights. The stunning medieval single-lane - also recently named one of the prettiest - only has traffic lights for vehicles. This means pedestrians' only chance to get across the other side - and actually into the next county, East Sussex - is to leg it once the lights stop the traffic, and hope they get across before the lights change again.

Those up for the white-knuckle dash may not have to worry, but many people cross with children, in wheelchairs or are just unable to leg it. The parish council is urging to find a solution to the safety issue on the A28 bridge, built in 1706 to connect Kent with East Sussex. The council told this week it had "drawn up some proposals" to improve safety and was liaising with its counterpart in East Sussex.

Viv Robertson, vice chair and highways, on Newenden Parish Council, told KentLive: "The real problems are not also the HGVs that pound the bridge but also it's a safety issue for pedestrians who use it. The beautiful bridge only has traffic lights for vehicles therefore, the only option for pedestrians crossing is to run the gauntlet between the change of lights" "Mostly this results in vehicles crossing with pedestrians who often have one, two or more children with them, and pushchairs and wheelchairs are a nightmare. 30mph vehicles arrive where the public have to stand, with no area of safety.

" Councillor Robertson was critical of the county council and said it was aware "Kent has an ever growing traffic problem for Kent villages". She flagged up the "speeding and safety issues of our village" and called on the council to "acknowledge" these. "We raised a petition trying to get a reduction in speed through our small .

Even the valued bridge does not have any safety for pedestrians crossing. is a busy holiday destination with many campsites around it together with many watersport clubs using our river and there's a boating/campsite immediately across the bridge, and with no safe crossing, the public runs the gauntlet of HGVs and general vehicles when trying to cross," she said. "Even the valued bridge does not have any safety for pedestrians crossing.

With no safe crossing for the A28 within the village, all road vehicles here have the hierarchy over residents and holiday visitors." "Residents are now convinced their safety is of no importance and just accept their fate. The parish council, however, intend not to let this happen and are united in helping our residents and many visitors to a safe environment," she said.

Newenden is around six miles from and is in the district. It is immediately north of the River Rother, which forms the county boundary with East Sussex. A spokesperson for Kent County Council said: "We are aware of the safety concerns related to the Newenden Bridge and are working with Newenden Parish to address their concerns on the A28.

" 'We have drawn up some proposals which include white gateways on both entrances to the village and pedestrian warning signs on both approaches to the bridge. As the southern side of the bridge is in East Sussex we are liaising with them for permission to install on their land.".

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