
Around 3,200 new words and terms have been added to the Cambridge Dictionary this year, including "ick" and "boop". Has anyone ever given you the " "? Or "booped" you right on the nose for something silly you did? If this all sounds like Greek to you then you may you might want to check out the Cambridge Dictionary, as this year, they’ve expanded their dictionary to include around 3,200 new words and phrases - many of which originated from the internet. The term “ick” was actually popularised by the UK reality dating show , where a bunch of overly good-looking horny people are packed into a luxury villa for the summer.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the “ick” is “a sudden feeling that you dislike someone or something or are no longer attracted to someone because of something they do.” It’s become a major buzzword in dating culture lately, with people sharing their most unusual “icks.” Examples include when someone drops a coin and has to scramble after it or when someone leaves little orange spaghetti sauce stains around their mouth.


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