
Yes, THE HE-MAN WOMAN HATERS CLUB is in ACTION!!! They’re talking to every emotionally stunted, insecure man out there, the kind that cannot endure the fact that women by the tens of millions are demanding— CAN IT BE TRUE? — EQUAL RIGHTS AND THE EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAW . The men the HMWHC is appealing to largely see women as inferiors. Many see women as the property of men.

Many believe that women must be submissive, even if those women are more talented and intelligent than the men in question. Women, in this view, are weak, and a Real He-Man can NEVER appear weak by embracing “feminine values”. So the He-Man Woman Haters Club bases much of its message on the appeal to male strength and dominance.

Of course, we all know the leader of the HMWHC: His MANY crimes, sins, and insults directed at women have been documented by Yours Truly and many others , so I needn’t belabor them here. And recently the HMWHC took on a new acolyte and Second in Command: J.D.

VANCE! If you follow my stuff, I think you know what I think of this prick candidate . After crudely insulting those without children, Little J.D.

got off the couch and brought in his wife to defend him: x JD Vance’s Wife: My Husband Only Meant to Insult People Who Actively Choose Not to Have Kids, Not People Who Are Trying but Are Unsuccessful Maybe, and hear me out, this is just a hypothetical, but maybe he shouldn't insult those people, either https://t.co/AsGQZ6uwjA — C-Bo the Eggman (@CBoTheEggman) August 6, 2024 J.D.

certainly has been vocal about other people’s lives. From The L.A.

Times: “Anyone who knows anything about domestic violence knows that what JD Vance is saying is horrific — it is ignorant, it is reprehensible,” [CA State Senator Dave] Min said in an interview. Min’s wife, a law professor at UC Irvine, directs a legal aid clinic that provides free representation to survivors of domestic violence. “Domestic violence is never acceptable, in any circumstance,” Baugh said in a statement.

“I stand by victims of domestic violence and, frankly, all crime.” The Trump-Vance campaign did not respond to a request for comment, nor did press representatives for Vance’s Senate office. Remember who this asshole person actually is.

From Politifact : x BREAKING: The media is finally reporting on the stunning audio tape of JD Vance suggesting there is a reasonable comparison between abortion and slavery. Retweet so every American sees the media finally take Vance to task for his horrendous comments. pic.

twitter.com/fT4fGyZRdc — Kamala’s Wins (@harris_wins) August 5, 2024 Why, it seems like Little J.D.

is going over like the proverbial lead balloon . Vance's decreasing net favorability arrives amid continued scrutiny of his past comments about women in abusive relationships , abortion , and people without children , as well as his strong involvement with Project 2025 , a controversial proposed policy document by the Heritage Foundation, which the Trump campaign has attempted to distance itself from . BUT THE HE-MAN WOMAN HATERS CLUB HAS MUCH MORE TO OFFER! It has numerous members! For example, here is the utterly charming Mike Cernovich: From RationalWiki : Mike Cernovich (November 17, 1977–), also known as "Weird Mike" [3] or "Juicebro" , [4] is an alt-right talker with a plethora of stupid views.

He has two main gigs: promoting conspiracy theories and whining about "weak" liberals . Before he became famous, Cernovich was a First Amendment lawyer who spent his time promoting MRA / internet tough guy views. Cernovich said many, many crazy things about women, rape, and transgender people which he has since attempted to delete.

Fortunately, we've archived all of his often-sexually-explicit insanity for your viewing displeasure. Not surprisingly, Cernovich was an early member of the Proud Boys. [5] :11 Since then, Cernovich has become famous for promoting conspiracy theories, often working with Alex Jones or Paul Joseph Watson .

Ironically, Cernovich's lifestyle is only possible due to an alleged '7 figure sum' court settlement after divorcing his ex wife , a silicon valley attorney who made millions from an IPO. [6] How's that for an alpha male? Cernovich has a YouTube channel that has managed to snare over 80,000 subscribers and three million views. [7] Here is mighty Alpha Male (Oooooo! Tough guy!) Nick Adams: Here is shit-eating outspoken Christian Nationalist Doug Wilson.

x 10/ https://t.co/MH1mW7atTW — [email protected] ✍🏻 📢 (@jennycohn1) August 8, 2024 The lovely and talented Charlie Kirk can always be counted on to provide misogynist grist for mill: "We basically told a great generation of young women, 'Don't get married, don't have kids, go get a corporate job, and it's created mass political hysteria.

And then in their early 30's they get really upset because they say the boys don't want to date me anymore because they're not at their prime. And people get mad when I say that. Well, it's just true.

If you're in your early 30's, I'm sorry, it's like you're not as attractive in the dating pool as you were in the early 20's, but again, you have your corporate job and your cat so I thought you, you know." NB: Kirk’s wife is 35. Guess she’s not hot like she used to be, right Charlie? x Charlie Kirk: “No Christian parent should ever allow their daughter on birth control, ever.

Period. ..

.If your daughter’s on birth control or granddaughter get them off immediately.” pic.

twitter.com/td3doALKNK — PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) April 2, 2024 x Charlie Kirk claims birth control “screws up female brains” and turns women into Democrats. pic.

twitter.com/8jQtWdDwW6 — PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) April 2, 2024 And Charlie always enjoys giving Neo-Nazi scumbag/traitor/insurrectionist Jack Posobiec a platform: x Charlie Kirk’s cohost Jack Posobiec: “Whoever came up with that phrase, ‘happy wife, happy life,’ is an idiot.” pic.

twitter.com/TTuBQvHeMI — PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) April 19, 2024 And Project 2025 has BIG plans for all you pregnant females out there! x SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE YOU CAN pic.twitter.

com/C2VpIJf2Va — Shea LaRoux 💙💛 (@SheaLadivabich) August 9, 2024 Of course, some Republicans, like the lovely and talented sexual predator Matt Gaetz think misogyny is a good electoral idea: Is sexism the Republican Party’s big-tent strategy? Republican Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, appearing recently on the right-wing network Newsmax, dismissed the party’s losses among women voters by insisting, in language laced with stereotypes, that Black and Hispanic men would cross over to vote Republican in their place. “This is the blue-collar realignment of the Republican Party, and what I can tell you is for every Karen we lose, there’s a Julio and a Jamal ready to sign up for the MAGA movement,” Gaetz told Newsmax . “That bodes well for our ability to be more diverse and to be more durable as we head into not only the rest of the primary contests but also the general election.

” A lot of MAGA Evangelicals are charter members of the HMWHC: In her recent New York Times article about the "coarsening " of the religious right, Ruth Graham alluded to this , writing about the trend of evangelical leaders using "vulgarities." But it's not just a matter of using curse words. The vulgarities in question mostly center around an over-the-top performance of toxic masculinity: throwing around sexist terms like "sl*t" and "wh*re," homophobic slurs, and using phrases like "grow a pair.

" It's definitely got an overcompensation vibe to it. But along with the increasingly violent queerphobia , this means evangelical sexism is getting more overtly nasty. A lot of the faux-chivalrous condescension is being replaced with blunt malevolence and sexual objectification.

Folks, it’s time to tear the He-Man Woman Haters Club down. (Actually, it should have never been allowed to grow the way it has.) WE NEED TO PUT THE HE-MAN WOMAN HATERS CLUB IN ITS PLACE.

And I know just the people to do it:.

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