
You might recoil in horror at the thought of skipping your daily shower , but an anonymous poll tells a different story. Thousands of Herald readers have weighed in after a new survey revealed yesterday that just 54% of Kiwis who responded admitted to showering daily - and the other results might surprise you. Over 20,000 people responded to a Herald poll yesterday that asked readers how often they shower, from less than once, once, twice or three times a day, or if they prefer a bath instead.

The results aren’t too different to the Finish survey released yesterday, with 53% of respondents - 10,525 at the time of writing - saying they shower daily. However, 33% of those who voted - 6646 people - chose the “not every day” option. Meanwhile, 2346, or 12%, said they shower twice a day, while 161 - just 1% - claimed to shower thrice daily.

217 people, or 1%, said they prefer to take baths instead..

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