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Spoilers, I’m talking about vote to kick. The First Descendant players have long been yearning for this feature ever since the game launched, poisoned by AFKers and trolls, although the demands have gone nowhere since. There’s no doubt that vote-kicks stir up controversy in most gaming spheres.

especially so, it seems. There are a two different schools of thought here, both touching on similar points but approached from different angles. There are those who want outright vote-kicks to be implemented and there are the others who would like to see AFK checks at the very least, without as much of a hard vote-kick.

Vote-kicking is an extremely toxic feature purely thanks to the bad intentions of the various different players you will encounter. It’s not simply a tool used to remove trolls and AFKs, but also a weapon for trolls to use against folks out there just trying to have fun. For that very reason, parts of the TFD community are pretty hesitant to encourage it.

A little anecdote from myself. The last ‘MMO’ that I properly played was the original Destiny. I was fourteen and often played with my school friends and then each of us would invite in other mutual friends.

One time I was kicked mid-raid from a group of near-total strangers – for absolutely no reason. I don’t think I played Destiny again after that. Ever.

It didn’t just put me off the game. It made fourteen year old me question incredibly self-conscious in online social situations. I digress, but you hear what I’m saying? Getting vote-kicked can really suck.

With that in mind, I’m erring on the side of an alternative anti-AFK solution instead. An AFK timer, for example. The issue with this is that it’s incredibly easy to workaround these, simply by giving your controller or mouse a little wiggle every so often.

The ongoing existence of “AFK sweepers” is doing the world of TFD a great help though. There are certain enemies that will be wandering around the world. Despite the fact that they are incredibly weak, they will still be able to take you out pretty damn quick.

There’s no shortage of players asking for vote-kicks to be introduced though. Unfortunately, they vastly outweigh those who aren’t interested. These are all in opposition to the swathes of AFK players that are littering the game.

“I don’t get why people afk in games like this, isn’t the whole point to grind” one Redditor asks, while another says that “the leeching is ridiculous.” With how fast Nexon were to implement the feature to Operation Infiltration: Hard missions, it’s likely that they will heed the demands of its players soon. Whether this means we’re going to see the AFK issue sorted out soon, or if we’re going to see a vote-to-kick feature implemented, it’s in the developers hands now.

Amaar loves retro hardware and boring games with more words than action. So, he writes about them daily. By subscribing, you agree to our and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.


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