
Rupert Sanders is opening up about the ending of his new movie The Crow and whether he was intentionally setting up a sequel. There were rumors that Lionsgate had the ending changed to set the stage for a sequel movie, but Rupert is shutting that down. “We live in a world where people get a snippet of something and it’s magnified through a million clacking laptops, but no one really knows anything about substantiating what they are actually putting out there,” Rupert told THR .

So, is there a sequel in the works? Keep reading to find out more...

“The movie, I think, stands alone. I personally hate movies where you have to see the sequel. A movie should finish in a way that feels satisfactory to the story, and this movie does.

Can it continue for a second adventure? Yes. Bill [Skarsgard] ’s Eric is an incredible character, and by the end of the movie, he’s become something new,” Rupert added. He added, “My focus was on telling the story of Eric and Shelly and finishing that story in a very finite way.

The best endings are always open to discussion and they’re always open to different people taking different things from them, but I certainly don’t think this is a cheat ending that says you’ve got to have a sequel. And that was never the discussion. I looked at 30 endings, and you always do in a movie.

It is very rare that you have exactly that on the page, and you exactly shoot that, but I think we found the best ending for the movie.” See photos from the recent NYC premiere !.

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