
The number of suspensions in Bolton schools reached a record high in the last academic year, new figures show. Following this a member of the National Education Union has said the numbers are "concerning." Department for Education figures show there were 6,472 suspensions in the 2022-23 academic year – the highest since records began for the area.

It was up from 4,393 suspensions the year before, and an increase from 3,846 in 2018-19, before the pandemic. Across England, suspensions rose 36 per cent from 578,300 in 2021-22 to 787,000 last year – the highest number on record. The number of permanent exclusions across the country also reached a record high at 9,376 in 2022-23, a rise of 44 per cent on the year before.

In Bolton, there were 109 permanent exclusions last year – up from 75 in 2021-22. More than half (55%) of all suspensions in England were among children eligible for free school meals, meaning their parent or carer is receiving one of several benefits. Of the suspensions in Bolton, 3,797, 59 per cent were for children eligible for free school meals.

The national figures also show children from Gypsy Roma backgrounds were more than three times as likely to receive a suspension, while kids from mixed white and black Caribbean backgrounds were 86 per cent more likely than average to be suspended. Of the children in Bolton, those from Irish backgrounds had the highest suspension rate at 26.5 per 100 students – 2.

2 times the area's average suspension rate of 12.1 per 100 students. Robert Poole, a teacher in Bolton and a member of the National Education Union, said: "The significant rise in exclusions in Bolton is deeply concerning and highlights a systemic issue within our education system.

“It's clear that schools are operating under immense pressure, exacerbated by factors such as inadequate funding, the ongoing impact of the pandemic, and the disproportionate effect on vulnerable students. “We believe that a holistic approach is essential to address this crisis. This includes investing in early intervention, providing adequate support for students with special educational needs, and tackling child poverty.

“It is imperative that the government takes decisive action to ensure that all young people have the opportunity to succeed , regardless of their background. It is disappointing therefore that our newly elected Labour MPs felt themselves unable to vote to scrap the two-child benefit cap.” Read more: Headteacher who led school since 2006 to retire Read more: 80 jobs could be lost at University of Bolton Read more: Schools gets positive rating in SIAMS Education minister Stephen Morgan said the "shocking" figures are a wake-up call about problems in schools .

He added: "They put into sharp focus that too many pupils are being held back by their background and that our education system is failing to meet the needs of children with additional needs." He said the government has already committed to more mental health professionals in secondary schools, free breakfast clubs in primary schools, and earlier intervention in mainstream schools for pupils with special needs..

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