
Despite doing his best to on this week, somehow has made up for his shortcomings. House 5’s Kristian and Mimi managed to take out – no thanks to Kristian’s “dumb” decisions along the way. ICYMI, Kristian first threw a spanner in the works when he decided to on a building permit, which resulted in a time penalty the next day.

Then, he didn’t think about upstairs plumbing when he’d given wardrobe supplier Kinsman his measurements, leaving Kinsman scrambling to devise a solution. Did he learn his lesson? No, he cut corners once again when it came to insulation and was spotted using a TikTok tutorial while trying to fix his mistake. Red flags all around.

Over on Reddit, fans have well and truly turned on Kristian and are genuinely worried about how Mimi is going to get through three months of this shit. We’ve seen her explode at him once, but there are a bunch of viewers who would like a ~polite~ word with the man. “I’m concerned for Mimi’s ability to keep going for 12 weeks given she’s carrying 100 per cent of the load,” one person pointed out.

“I think this is the first time a couple has been so polarising for me. I like Mimi, but not Kristian,” another added. “Kristian is being portrayed as the ditzy one and Mimi as the competent one.

Why? Because Kristian has done dumb things and Mimi has kept it together,” a third commented. Others were wondering if this was a look into Kristian and Mimi’s relationship at home. Blink twice if you need to be rescued, girl! “My money is on weaponised incompetence.

Kristian just acts the fool and does the bare minimum so that someone else will sweep in and do the hard work for him. Wouldn’t be surprised if Mimi has to go through this at home too,” a Redditor theorised. “Mimi [has] a lifetime of this to look forward to.

..” another wrote.

“He is one of the most frustrating contestants I have seen,” a third added. It’s still early days on so I hope Kristian will adapt to the pressure cooker environment and start pulling his weight, even if it’s only for Mimi’s sanity. The couple have excelled when it comes to their interior design, which is largely due to Mimi’s influence.

If they manage to get a handle on the building section as well as the design? This couple *could* really be the one to watch, but only time will tell..

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