
Friendly, artistic, relatively safe, encapsulated by naturally stunning landscapes, and now home to an increasingly smart, forward-thinking hotel scene – it’s little wonder Reykjavik has become one of the world’s most desirable travel destinations. Its architecture is diverse, made up of multi-coloured, surprisingly low-rise buildings, walls and pavements sprinkled with street art. Its predominantly locally sourced food and drink scene, meanwhile, fizzes with fermented creations and boundary-pushing concoctions from venues such as restaurant-meets-greenhouse Friðheimar and the upscale and waste-combating Artson Cocktail Bar .

Indeed, the fresh-aired city has earned its right to a reputation as a pioneer in sustainability and responsible tourism too, via its long-term focus on low-carbon transport (there are plenty of rentable e-scooters around town), green energy sources and total ban on single-use plastics, plus its wealth of eco-friendly things to do, such as dipping into geothermal pools (or the nearby Blue Lagoon and its own chic Retreat Hotel ), and camping in its lush Laugardalur Valley (temperatures reach 14°C in July and August...

though if you’re after a chance of seeing the Northern Lights it’s best to opt for somewhere between November and March). For those keener to experience its more boutique (and indoor) accommodation, here’s our curated hotel shortlist..

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