
Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Chicago offers some of the best luxury values in the county getty Want a five-star experience without a five-digit price tag? Start looking to California wine country or Eastern Europe, where you can get high-end experiences without an absolutely enormous price tag. A new study from discount website Wethrift combed through data to determine which destinations are the most affordable when it comes to luxury accommodations and dining. Analysts looked at 956 Michelin-starred and Bib Gourmand restaurants from the Michelin guide and 348 luxury 3 to 5-star rated hotels across the U.

S. using data from Booking.com and TripAdvisor.

With this data, they aimed to identify the top-ranking cities, restaurants, and hotels offering the most affordable luxury experience options across the country. “Experiencing luxury doesn't have to come at a hefty price tag. Our study shows that you can indulge and let loose with these top-tier experiences without breaking the bank, proving that opulence and affordability can go hand in hand,” says Nick Drewe, discounts expert and founder of Wethrift .

"Whether it be savoring gourmet meals or staying in elegant hotels, we believe everyone deserves a taste of luxury. Traveling lies in creating cherished memories, enjoying life's finer things, and not worrying about financial strain 24/7." Balboa Park in San Diego getty From the research, the three cheapest cities in a America for a luxury experience are Sonoma, Chicago, and San Diego.

which also lead the list for affordable luxury dining. Seven of the top ten accessible luxury cities are in California, making the state the best for experiencing luxury at an affordable price. Chicago, Paso Robles, and San Francisco are the top choices for budget-friendly luxury hotels.

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00. In second place, Chicago boastas an average restaurant price of $52.88 and a hotel price of $411.

25. San Diego ranks third, averaging $49.19 for dining and $579.

00 per night for luxury digs. In fourth place, Santa Barbara has an average restaurant check of $54.46 per diner and the average hotel rate of $552.

00 per night. In fifth place, Los Angeles offers high-end dining experiences at $55.45 per diner and $559.

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, Paso Robles, and Healdsburg. A lifeguard tower in Miami Beach getty For those who want to travel internationally, Wethrift also found destinations across the globe with similarly priced luxury experiences. Wethrift analyzed 3,490 Michelin-starred from the Michelin guide and over 1,000 5-star hotels listed in La Liste across the globe.

The cheapest country internationally to travel for a luxury experience is Poland, where the average Michelin star restaurant tab is $70.27 per diner and the average 5-star hotel price is $300. The next cheapest destination is Slovenia, where a Michelin ranked dinner clocks in at $123.

20, but five-star accomodations are cheaper than Poland, at just $266.67 per night. Third is Hungary, where a Michelin dinner costs an average of $82.

44 and a five-star room is $416.67. Next on the list are Czech Republic, Vietnam, Germany, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil and Croatia.

From the United States to Eastern Europe to Southeast Asia to South America, there are plenty of budget-friendly-ish luxury deals to be discovered and enjoyed..

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