SAILORS swear by this 3p trick to stop you feeling seasick - plus it works on planes. Poor weather conditions, particularly in the winter months, can make travel less smooth and ultimately, worsen motion sickness. 1 The antidote is said to settle stomachs In fact, one in three of us experience motion sickness from transport.
But rest assured, travel and cruise expert Yasmin Peckel at Blue Cruise may have the antidote. She said: “It’s a well-known trick amongst sailors that seasickness - or other motion sea sickness - can be settled with a calming cup of peppermint tea. "I recommend always having a few bags in a handbag, just in case the travel provider doesn't stock them.
Read more in travel sickness SNAKE FIND The real reason you feel unwell on planes - and why ginger ale doesn't work "You can simply ask for hot water from a trolley service or the crew onboard a plan e - or make a cup of peppermint tea in your room if on a boat.” Why do we get motion sickness? We feel motion or seasickness due to "constant movement" and a "lack of visual reference points", Blue Cruise revealed. This, combined with the motion of the transport, causes feelings of nausea.
Can peppermint help? Yes, sucking on a peppermint or sipping a mint tea can help reduce motion sickness. Most read in News Travel FIRE & FURY Foreign Office 'do not travel' alert as Scots warned to avoid 'exclusion zone' CABIN FEVER Flight attendant reveals the ‘polite’ passenger act that they secretly hate FESTIVE F.