
Summary Europe saw a 17% increase in business jet activity during the 2024 Paris Olympics. UK experienced a 10% rise in private jet activity during the Olympics period. Despite the surge during the Olympics, global business jet activity declined by 2% in 2024.

On Friday, August 2nd, WingX, a popular aviation data analytics firm, released a report highlighting the business jet industry and how it has been affected by recent European events. This includes the 2024 Paris Olympics, which brought in famous celebrities, popular athletes, business executives, and government employees from around the world. Specifically, the 2024 Paris Olympics were responsible for a surge in private jet activity in not only France , but the United Kingdom and Europe as a whole.

Many predict the Summer Olympics to be one of the most popular sporting events in the world. Recent private jet travel Overall, WingX reported that overall business jet activity from July 22 through July 28 was up 17% in France, when compared to last year at the same time. The area most affected by an increase in business jet activity was Paris , which is where the majority of Olympic events were held.

Paris airports saw a 58% increase in private jet arrivals, and specifically, Paris Le Bourget (LBG) saw over 710 business jet arrivals, a 50% increase year-over-year. This includes a 200% increase in flights connecting New York airports to Paris airports. Overall, Europe experienced a 4% increase in private jet activity.

Other areas that saw an increase include the UK, which saw a 10% increase in business jets. Beyond Europe seeing an increase in jet activity, North America also saw nearly 51,000 departing business jet flights. This was also attributed to a slight increase in flights to Europe, most likely due to the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Over 94% of North American business jet activity originated from the United States. Several charter companies saw an increase in flights, led by NetJets , Flexjet, and Vista Global. Besides Europe and North America, business jet activity declined around the world, including declines in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The Managing Director of WingX, Richard Koe, spoke about the increase in business jet flights in Europe. Koe stated, "As predicted, the Olympics venues have attracted business jet arrivals from all over the world as dignitaries, heads of corporations and celebrities flocked to the opening ceremony and sporting events. The Olympics appear to be very popular with US visitors, many coming via the UK.

" How this surge affects the rest of 2024 Although the business jet industry saw a significant increase in both Europe and North America, global business jet activity declined about 2% year-over-year, per WingX. Worldwide, the private jet market recorded just under three million total flight hours. The private jet market previously peaked in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic, as the travelers that could afford it opted for private flights instead of scheduled commercial flights to avoid large crowds in both airports and on planes.

The surge continued into 2022 before taking a step back and leveling out in 2023..

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