
Teamfight Tactics is introducing a huge heap of balance changes in Patch 14.18. From a new item to multiple reworks, there are plenty of changes to go over.

Here’s what we know so far. The next patch for Teamfight Tactics is the second of the major patches listed by Mortdog. This patch contains the new item Golden Frying Pan, and several reworks for units and traits, as set 12 has had a bit of a time when it comes to balancing.

With so many things changing, there’s bound to be a major meta shift on the way, so it’s best you read up on what’s coming. When is TFT patch 14.18 going live? TFT patch 14.

18 will be released alongside LoL patch 14.18 on September 11, 2024. As the patch deploys, both games will experience some downtime.

What’s changing TFT patch 14.18? The Golden Frying Pan will be arriving in patch 14.18.

Like the spatula, it’ll allow players to craft emblems for classes like Multistriker, Scholar, and more. The introduction of this item has also meant a rework for the Tactician’s Crown, with a Cape and Shield being introduced. Several traits and units are being reworked in this patch to make them a bit less problematic than before.

Notably, Ahri is having her entire ability reworked, the same as Ezreal, while Honeymancy and Faerie are receiving reworks as well. Teamfight Tactics patch 14.18 early notes Ability reworked For the next 5 (Ability power) seconds, Ashe fires an extra missile dealing 25/38/56 (Attack damage) physical damage at a target near Ashe.

This effect stacks. Changed to For the rest of combat, fire an additional arrow at a nearby enemy that deals 20/30/44 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage. This effect stacks.

Ability reworked Sneeze fire at the target, dealing 240/360/550 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage. Dragon Upgrade: Instead sneeze dragonfire in a larger area. Dragonfire deals 290/435/663 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage.

Changed to Sneeze fire at the target, dealing 240/360/550 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage. 50% of overkill damage is dealt to the closest 2 targets. Dragon Upgrade: Deal 290/435/663 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage instead.

Overkill hits 4 targets. Ability reworked Fire a shard of ice at the target that pierces through enemies hit, dealing 110/165/259 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage, reduced by 10% for each enemy hit. Targets are Sundered for 5 seconds.

Changed to Fire a piercing shard of ice that Sunders for 5 seconds and deals 110/165/259 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage, reduced by 10% for each enemy hit. Ability reworked Passive: Gain 15% bonus Ability Power from all sources. Active: Fire an orb towards the target dealing 135/200/310 (Ability power) magic damage.

After hitting an enemy it returns, dealing 85/125/195 (Ability power) true damage. Changed to Fire an orb at the current target dealing 250/375/580 (Ability power) magic damage. Launch X firefoxes at enemies near the target, each dealing 20/30/45 (Ability power) true damage.

Gain an additional foxfire this combat. Ability reworked For the next 6 seconds, attacks instead deal 95/145/230 (Ability power) magic damage. Changed to Empower the next 3 attacks to deal 130/195/305 (Ability power) magic damage.

Ability reworked Transform into dragon form and gain an aura that deals 58/84/136 (Health/ Ability power) magic damage per second to adjacent enemies. Then fly through the largest group of enemies within 2 hexes and Stun them for 1/1/1.25 seconds.

Dragon Upgrade: While in dragon form, heal 1% of max health whenever a Burning enemy is damaged by an attack or ability. Changed to Transform into dragon form and gain an aura that deals 63/99/151 (Health/ Ability power) magic damage per second to adjacent enemies. Then fly through the largest group of enemies within 2 hexes and Stun them for 1/1/1.

25 seconds. Dragon Upgrade: Double the size of the aura. It deals 30% more damage.

Ability reworked Dash to the ideal spot within 3 hexes. Then, fire a blast in a line, dealing 230/330/494 (Attack damage/ Ability power) damage reduced by 25% for each enemy hit. Changed to Fire a blast in a wide line through the current target, dealing 222/333/506 (Attack damage) physical damage to enemies hit, reduced by 25% for each enemy is passes through.

The first enemy hit takes an additional 150/225/335 (Ability power) magic damage. If an enemy is adjacent, blink to safety before firing. Ability reworked Passive: On takedown of the current target, if Hecarim’s next target is out of range, charge to them, dealing 152/228/357 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage.

Active: For the next 6 seconds, attacks also cleave adjacent enemies for 87/131/209 (Attack damage) physical damage. Changed to Passive: On takedown of the current target, empower the next attack to deal 152/228/357 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage. If the next target is out of range, charge to them.

Active: For the next 6 seconds, attacks also cleave adjacent enemies for 87/131/209 (Attack damage) physical damage. Ability reworked For 4 seconds, gain 100% decaying Attack Speed and her attacks deal 21/31/48 (Attack damage/ Ability power) bonus true damage. Takedowns refresh this effect for 3 seconds.

Changed to Related: Gain 140% decaying Attack Speed for 4 seconds. For the duration, attacks fire rockets that deal 91/137/205 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage and ignore 50% Armor. Ability reworked Gain 210/250/300 (Ability power) Shield that decays over 2 seconds and slam the target, dealing 180/270/430 (Ability power) magic damage in a 2-hex line.

Gain 10 Ability Power for the rest of combat. Changed to Gain 300/350/400 (Ability power) Shield that decays over 2 seconds and slam the target, dealing 180/270/430 (Ability power) magic damage in a 2-hex line. Gain 15% Damage Amp for the rest of combat.

Ability reworked Passive: Gain 30% bonus Armor and Magic Resist from all sources. Active: Spin, gaining 380/460/550 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds and dealing a total of 121/188/305 (Armor/ Magic resist) physical damage to each adjacent enemy. Changed to Combat Start: Gain 40 Armor and Magic Resist.

Lose 1 of each every second. Active: Spin, gaining 380/460/550 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds and dealing a total of 121/188/305 (Armor/Magic resist) physical damage to each adjacent enemy. Ability reworked Fire a supernova at the largest clump of enemies within Attack Range plus 1 hexes that deals 239/364/1145 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage to the target and adjacent enemies.

It explodes into a cluster of fireballs, each dealing 120/200/916 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage. Changed to Fire a supernova at a cluster of enemies within 5 (Range) hexes that deals 239/364/1145 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage to the target and adjacent enemies. It explodes into a cluster of fireballs, dealing 120/200/916 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage to all other enemies within three hexes.

Ability reworked Passive: Fly around and attack the nearest enemy. Active: Gain 50/50/500% Attack Speed and replace Smolder’s attacks with fireballs that deal 173/268/2486 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage for 6/6/60 seconds. Dragon Upgrade: Each fireball also heals 20/30/200 Health.

Changed to Passive: Fly around and attack the nearest enemy. Active: Gain 50/50/500% Attack Speed for the next 4/4/30 attacks. These attacks launch fireballs that deal 173/268/2486 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage.

Dragon Upgrade: Next 6/6/99 attacks instead. Fireballs deal 225/348/3232 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage. Ability reworked Launch 10/10/99 arcane blasts at random enemies that each deal 220/330/777 (Ability power) damage.

Changed to Launch 10/10/99 arcane blasts randomly split between the closest 5 enemies that each deal 220/330/777 (Ability power) magic damage. Six piece Chrono also grants 80 ability power to your Chrono units (2) 100 Health, Gain Queen’s Crown that grants 25% Damage Amplification Damage Amp (4) 400 Health, Crown 40% Damage Amplification (6) 600 Health, Crown 50% Damage Amplification, Gain Queenguard’s Armor (9) 850 Health, Crown 75% Damage Amplification, Both items become Radiant Changed to (3) 200 Health, Gain Queen’s Crown that grants 30% Damage Amplification Damage Amp (5) 400 Health, Crown 45% Damage Amplification, Gain Queenguard’s Armor (7) 600 Health, Crown 55% Damage Amplification, Gain a 2nd Crown (9) 900 Health, Crown 75% Damage Amplification, Items become Radiant Trait reworked Honeymancers gain Bees that deal magic damage to their target every 3 seconds. Each Bee deals 7.

5% of the Honeymancer’s damage dealt and 2.5% of their damage taken. When a Honeymancer dies, leave 1 Bee that follows nearby Honeymancers for the rest of combat.

(3) 3 Bees (5) 6 Bees (7) 9 Bees, 3 Bees survive instead Changed to Honeymancers gain 5 Bees that deal magic damage to their target every 3 seconds. Each Bee deals damage based on the damage a Honeymancer deals and takes. When a Honeymancer dies, they leave 2 Bees that follow nearby Honeymancers for the rest of combat.

(3) 6% of damage dealt, 2% of damage taken (5) 8% of damage dealt, 4% of damage taken (7) 12% of damage dealt, 6% of damage taken. Bees deal damage twice as often. 6 Piece hunter AD reduced by 10% but they now gain 40% attack speed Shapeshifter 8 piece now heals 3% of max HP every 2 seconds Warrior 4 piece omnivamp and damage amp reduced: 20% >>> 18% 2 Arcana true damage reduced: 3% true damage >>> 2% true damage 3 Arcana true damage reduced: 5% true damage >>> 4% true damage Changed from every stat to 10% chance to drop 1 gold when you win combat Several class emblems were added as craftable items, the recipes can be found here Effect reworked The High Arcana gains 15% Attack Speed and 6% Health for each unique Arcana champion fielded.

Gain an Ahri and a Hecarim. Changed to Arcana champions deal 10% bonus damage. If they start combat holding 2 items, they gain a recommended 3rd completed item.

Gain an Ahri and a Hecarim. Effect reworked Dragons gain 15% Damage Amp against Burned enemies. Enemies that are Burned deal 12% less damage to Dragons.

Gain a Nomsy and a Shyvana. Changed to Dragons gain 10% Health and 18% Attack Speed. After Dragons score 60 champion takedowns, gain a Smolder.

Gain a Nomsy and a Shyvana. Effect reworked The Frost trait also grants 1 placeable Frost Statue equipped with Eternal Winter that gains health with each Frost trait level. The first time it would die, it instead heal 40% Health over 7 seconds if an ally is alive.

Gain a Warwick and a Zilean. Changed to The Frost trait also grants 1 placeable Frost Wolf equipped with a Protector’s Vow. The wolf gains 40% Attack Speed and 300 Health per Frost tier.

Gain a Warwick and a Zilean..

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