Terry Bradshaw recently made it clear that he is not ready to retire - and it is not the first time he has insisted on staying in television. In a world which has seen numerous changes over the last four and a half decades, Bradshaw's presence as an NFL analyst has been one of the few constants . The Pittsburgh Steelers legend transitioned into broadcasting soon after his playing career, which saw him win four Super Bowl titles, ended in 1984.
Working with CBS Sports before a move to FOX NFL on Sunday, Bradshaw went on to establish himself as one of the best NFL analysts in the sport's history. However, having made numerous mistakes this year, including getting the scores of matches wrong , mispronouncing names in embarrassing fashion and offending some people with his attempts of impersonating certain accents in the US, fans have been urging the 76-year-old to retire . As Bradshaw remains adamant that his time on television is not over, there have been numerous other examples of him refusing to put the microphone down.
Terry Bradshaw moment which landed him FOX job – 'He stood up from the desk' Terry Bradshaw could be proven right after backtracking on Mike Tomlin and Steelers call Speaking on the Dale Brisby's Rodeo Time podcast, Bradshaw said: “You know what man, I don't know when that time comes when then they say to me, you know 'happy trails'. Yeah, man, you want to say that's never going to happen. “But I guess when the Cowboys are playing the New York Giants, an.