
The highly anticipated anime series is available for streaming on Netflix. Produced by Production IG and Skydance Television, this eight-episode series offers fans a thrilling new instalment in the iconic franchise. Set in 1990s Japan, follows a brilliant scientist who develops a groundbreaking AI system to rival the infamous Skynet.

Reviews for the animated show are out and they look positive. Critics have praised the series' action-packed adventure, impressive visual effects, suspenseful plot and epic battles between humans and machines. Check out its review roundup below.

. " introduces an entirely different cultural approach to robotics — in this version of 1997, Tokyo is overrun with benign 1NN0 models, while the hottest toy on the market is an AI-equipped cat — and, especially, to weaponry. Time travel still requires arriving muscular and naked in the trademark kneel, but while heavy artillery was always easy to come by when your average Terminator or soldier arrived in Los Angeles, guns are harder to come by for heroes and villains alike in 1990s Japan.

" : " is at its best when it leans into what made the original movies great—high-stakes action, complex characters, and a story that keeps you guessing. At first glance, might seem like a rehash of the same old story, but if you’re willing to stick with it, you’ll find a series that’s brave enough to try something new within the confines of a familiar narrative. might not rewrite the rules of the franchise, but it’s a solid addition that will leave you curious about what comes next.

"‘ . : "One of the most impressive setpieces of the show comes in 's first episode, in which Eiko confronts a Terminator and fights it while suspended from a rope. It's reminiscent of but is still firmly in the dystopian world of the franchise.

Another standout moment comes about halfway through the show, when a character revealed to be a cyborg fights a group of humans in an effort to protect itself. The animation stylishly captures the action and highlights the grace a cyborg would have in such a situation." : "Visuals are especially important in animation, and for the most part, Terminator Zero is just as impressive on that front too.

The action sequences are alternately chilling and thrilling, pushing the gore in ways live-action often holds back from, while gorgeous character design, especially when it comes to Kokoro's physical manifestation, lend the series more visual flair than Terminator fans are used to seeing. " So, are you going to watch on Netflix?.

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