Hyderabad: A tense situation unfolded at the Jalpally residence of veteran Telugu actor Mohan Babu on Tuesday when his younger son, Manchu Manoj, attempted to enter the property. The incident escalated as journalists covering the event were also reportedly assaulted. Also Read: Unique Fashion of Allu Arjun in Pushpa 2: Check out special Pochampally designs According to reports, the conflict arose when Manchu Manoj was stopped by security personnel at the house's entrance.
Viral videos from the scene show Mohan Babu hitting a journalist with a microphone, resulting in injuries to the reporter. The public feud within the Manchu family intensified earlier this week when Mohan Babu filed a police complaint on Monday. In his complaint, Mohan Babu alleged that his son Manoj and his wife were attempting to forcibly seize the Jalpally property by using threats and intimidation.
Responding to the allegations, Manchu Manoj denied any intentions of claiming property, stating that his fight was about defending his self-respect. Manoj emphasized that he had sought police protection for himself and his family and had already met with a senior police official about the matter. He also took to social media to claim that his father’s accusations against him were “baseless, malicious, and false.
” Meanwhile, Mohan Babu’s elder son, Manchu Vishnu, has expressed optimism that the family disputes could be resolved amicably. On December 8, Manoj filed another complaint with the Pahadisharee.