
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 On Tuesday, the Ministry of Tourism organized a collaborative workshop at the Sheraton Hotel in Damascus, involving travel and tourism agencies from Syria and Pakistan. This event aimed to enhance bilateral tourism initiatives between the two countries. Nidal Mashfej, the Deputy Minister of Tourism, highlighted in a media statement that the workshop was crucial for revitalizing and enriching tourism interactions through reciprocal visits, development of tourist offerings, and broadening the scope of tourist demographics.

The Pakistani Ambassador to Damascus, Shahid Akhtar, emphasized that the workshop’s objective was to present an accurate portrayal of Syrian tourism, foster growth in the sector, and broaden its reach to encompass recreational and cultural tourism, thereby increasing the influx of Pakistani visitors to Damascus, which had previously been predominantly for religious purposes. Talal Khdeir, Chairman of the Federation of Syrian Chambers of Tourism, noted that the Federation is committed to advancing tourism relations with Pakistan. A special tour was arranged for Pakistani travel agency owners to showcase significant tourist sites in Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Hama, and Lattakia.

He also mentioned that the development of an online platform would facilitate more organized travel arrangements between the two nations..

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