
For well over four decades, Swiss beauty brand La Prairie has been breaking new ground in skincare technology. Now, it’s collaborated with established Swiss health and wellness resort Clinique La Prairie to create its latest product, the Life Matrix Haute Rejuvenation Cream. We speak with Dr Daniel Stangl, La Prairie’s director of innovation, about this new anti-ageing product at the pinnacle of skincare science and how it aims to enhance skin longevity.

{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"ImageObject","caption":"Beauty brand La Prairie has collaborated with Clinique La Prairie to create the Life Matrix Haute Rejuvenation Cream","url":"https://img.i-scmp.

com/cdn-cgi/image/fit=contain,width=1024,format=auto/sites/default/files/d8/images/canvas/2024/08/21/254a3d33-03f2-4552-aded-628a72fd682d_30b7e614.jpg"} Beauty brand La Prairie has collaborated with Clinique La Prairie to create the Life Matrix Haute Rejuvenation Cream The new Life Matrix Cream targets signs of ageing according to individualised cellular therapy principles. How does it work? It’s really a shift from the more traditional way of doing anti-ageing to something that is more future-oriented.

Every client has a different lifestyle, skin conditions, genetic predispositions. I don’t want this old classification just addressing two parameters, oiliness and hydration. It’s really more about the holistic conditions of the skin in terms of health status, which is dependent on the functionality of cells.

{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"ImageObject","caption":"La Prairie addresses skin longevity on a broad but also individual level with its new product","url":"https://img.i-scmp.

com/cdn-cgi/image/fit=contain,width=1024,format=auto/sites/default/files/d8/images/canvas/2024/08/21/7680c8fc-503f-42c7-8972-143b09ca5ddf_14b80b29.jpg"} La Prairie addresses skin longevity on a broad but also individual level with its new product What we wanted to achieve is this double benefit, to address aspects of skin longevity that affect everyone, but also on an individual level. The Life Matrix Exclusive Matrix Complex shows this dual functionality: the reset of [cellular] information to a younger state, also, an effect on the individual patterns of these RNA molecules that we have tested.

{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"ImageObject","caption":"The Life Matrix spatula stimulates the lymphatic system without overdoing it","url":"https://img.i-scmp.

com/cdn-cgi/image/fit=contain,width=1024,format=auto/sites/default/files/d8/images/canvas/2024/08/21/8202ea1a-7a18-46a4-96fa-1395697670ca_56a7e6ab.jpg"} The Life Matrix spatula stimulates the lymphatic system without overdoing it Tell us about the science behind the Life Matrix product application procedure. We have designed an application protocol that is dedicated to stimulate the lymphatic system.

The Life Matrix spatula should help do it in a proper way, because you can overdo it, damage the lymphatic vessels and get the opposite of what you want to achieve. This lymphatic system actually works to filter off all the viruses, microorganisms, pollutants and toxins that come into the skin. If you exert too much pressure, you get eye bags, puffiness and so on.

It’s important to apply any skincare products in a gentle way, not to do more damage by rubbing and massaging. {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"ImageObject","caption":"La Prairie’s Director of Innovation, Dr Daniel Stangl","url":"https://img.

i-scmp.com/cdn-cgi/image/fit=contain,width=1024,format=auto/sites/default/files/d8/images/canvas/2024/08/21/79040c83-3ec2-42f7-86be-878dc8266bd1_19ae704c.jpg"} La Prairie’s Director of Innovation, Dr Daniel Stangl And where did the inspiration for this product application process come from? Our products are designed to be gentle on the skin.

You can do a lot of bad things to your skin with products, especially cleansers , for example. For the people that do double cleansing, that means they destroy the skin barrier twice a day. A lot of people still think the more, the better.

You have to be very careful. If I take care of the health of my skin now, you will see the result [even] 20, 30 years later. {"@context":"https://schema.

org","@type":"ImageObject","caption":"La Prairie looks to science when designing its skincare products","url":"https://img.i-scmp.com/cdn-cgi/image/fit=contain,width=1024,format=auto/sites/default/files/d8/images/canvas/2024/08/21/d8706f09-bddf-4db7-bc87-592efede483c_e5757fc4.

jpg"} La Prairie looks to science when designing its skincare products How does La Prairie cut through the noise made by all the skincare myths out there these days? That’s easy if you stick to the facts; what we know about skin biology on a molecular, cellular level. We are dedicated to clients who are knowledgeable about their skin, who want to learn. Sometimes people believe just because they want to believe.

Fake news does a lot of harm to a lot of people. But we can only take care of what we do. If they don’t believe us – bad luck for them.

La Prairie products are gentle on the skin, and designed holistically to ensure longevity and enhance cell functionality Fake news on skincare is harmful – the Swiss brand, meanwhile, works to address solutions on a cellular level and with clients who are knowledgeable about their skin.

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