
Good times await when you've got a burrito in your hand. With a diverse array of ingredients all wrapped up in just a tortilla, it's the kind of fun you can both take along on the go or dig into right at the dining table. More often than not, you'll find it loaded with vegetables, legumes, and hearty meat infused with robust spices, coming together on the taste buds with each flavor-explosive bite.

Want something fresher but still just as playful and exciting? Don't go looking for other dishes yet, not when you can simply swap out the red meat with seafood for a lighter but no less enjoyable twist. From succulent shrimp to flaky fish, seafood offers a freshness that isn't too common in burritos. Where there's often a heavy savoriness, you'll find delicate sweet notes instead, lifting the palate and refreshing the eating experience.

Although not overwhelming, this switch-up won't take away the Mexican classic's intense, versatile flavors. Thanks to all the accompanying condiments and seasonings, your seafood burrito perfectly balances lightness and flavor. No seafood is off the table Shrimp, for starters, is quite familiar when we're talking about seafood.

It's mildly sweet with a briny undertone and a plump, juicy texture that's utterly satisfying. You can easily make it more flavorful with a simple marinade. Both fresh and frozen shrimp work, although the frozen kind is more convenient, and you can even cook it straight from the freezer .

Whatever you use, just make sure the.

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