An Indian-origin student has gone viral for wearing a lehenga to her graduation ceremony in Switzerland. Lakshmi Kumari, 25, chose a green and golden lehenga to commemorate the big day and honour her Indian roots. In a conversation with HT.
com, Lakshmi explained that this was the first lehenga she has ever owned, and she worked extra hard to have it delivered to Switzerland in time for her graduation. Lakshmi studied law at the University of Basel in Basel, Switzerland. The language of instruction for her course was German , in which she is not proficient.
“As I struggled with the language (because it's not my native language), I felt very proud after having completed my bachelors degree...
I told myself, if I am able to complete my bachelors degree in a language that I am not fluent in I MUST wear something special for myself,” Lakshmi told And so came the idea of wearing a lehenga.
Lehenga in Switzerland Lakshmi Kumari told that she is half Indian and half Finnish. “My father comes from India and I spent a lot of time there during my younger years,” she said.
“Growing up, I always felt connected to my roots, whether it be because I spent a lot of time in India or because I have an obsession with Bollywood movies - but I’ve never owned a lehenga! I’ve only ever seen them in Indian fashion shows,” she added. Determined to wear something special to her graduation, Lakshmi spent a lot of time browsing the internet until she found a website that wo.