
Tubi’s Toxic Harmony is a deeply unconvincing thriller set in the thick of the music biz. Ashley Love-Mills plays an up-and-coming singer who lands a recording contract with a pair of high-roller producers hiding a sinister agenda, and the movie feels like a let’s-quick-whip-it-together project calculated to capitalize on recent revelations about P. Diddy’s criminal infamy.

Or maybe it’s just coincidence and Toxic Harmony lucked into being relevant. Or, to be more accurate, and probably more generous, relevant-adjacent. TOXIC HARMONY : STREAM IT OR SKIP IT? The Gist: The first scene of this movie is so generic it surely was purchased in a black-and-white package with the words COLD OPEN on it in block letters: A woman comes home after a long day, plops down for some takeout and realizes an intruder lurks in her apartment.

She rushes to grab a butcher knife – hint: next time, try rushing for the door first, or maybe the phone to call the cops – but it’s to no avail. The shadowy figure leaves her MURDER’D. Who is this killer? You just hold onto your horses, pardner, you’ll find out.

Next, we get a second cold open, starring Darla (Lauren Darlene), a nutty lady who escapes from a drug rehab center so she can repeatedly leap out from behind dumpsters and phone booths and, uh, Redbox DVD dispensers to accost our protagonist and warn her not to do the things she’s doing lest she end up like Darla, acting nutty and jumping out from behind large rectangular things.

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