
Store berries for much longer by making one easy swap. We could all do with getting more fruit and veg in our diets , and one great way to do that is by swapping out your unhealthy snacks during the day for a couple of pieces of fruit. Berries are an excellent alternative for this - they taste great and don't need any peeling or chopping before you tuck in.

But there's one problem with the likes of strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Anyone whose tried keeping them in the fridge for more than a couple of days knows the pain of opening the packet to find half of them have gone mouldy already. They don't tend to last very long, and this is partly because they are porous, water-rich, and have delicate skin, all of which makes them susceptible to trapped moisture - a well-known breeding ground for mould.

But there's another reason your berries go mouldy so quickly: you're not storing them properly . According to a food fan on TikTok , making just one simple swap when you bring your berries home from the supermarket could help them last for much longer than normal. Katya Mackle shared a video on TikTok in which she explained that you should never store your berries in the plastic punnet you buy them in.

Instead, you should always transfer them to a glass dish to help keep them fresh. She said: "Berries are probably the most delicate product, since if not stored properly, they can deteriorate in a day. Over the past six months, I've tried all the storage methods, and here's.

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