
The Vive Les Arts Societe will host a unique opportunity for youngsters to interact with some of the actors in the beloved classic, Beauty and the Beast, put on by Central Texas Theater. In a cooperative effort to bring youngsters closer to the theater world, Assistant Director Andrew Rocha and Tori Christensen, also known as Princess Belle, put together the idea of a story time event ahead of the Sunday performances of the classic stage play. The first story time was held Sunday afternoon in the lobby of the theater, before the 2:30 p.

m. performance. The second story time is scheduled for 12:30 p.

m. Sunday, July 28, before the last performance of the play for it’s Killeen run. With a cost of only $5, children can enjoy stories read by Princess Belle, and some of the other enchanted objects from the story.

There will be time for questions and photographs with the Princess and her friends. During Sunday’s event, several young princesses dressed the part and came to meet Belle eagerly. Casey Jordan, 5, shyly asked if she could take a picture with the Princess.

“We are twins,” Jordan said. “Both of us are princesses.” Christensen, who took time with each participant to discuss “the Beast,” laughed and asked questions, herself.

“I love kids,” she said. “This event is a chance to visit one on one with some who may have aspirations to act someday. I think it is great to be able to connect with the kids who will come to see the play.

It makes it more personal.” Seated next to the Princess during story time was Lumiere, the candelabra, played by Rocha. The original cast member was unavailable at the last moment, due to unforeseen circumstances so the “assistant director” took up the curtain call.

“We thought that story time was a great opportunity to visit with the kids, let them see us in character. We though it would help reach them, personally, when they see the play on stage,” Rocha said. “It will give them a better experience.

” Another character, Cogsworth an enchanted pendulum clock, stopped by to find out if any of the children had questions for him. “I enjoy playing this part and visiting with kids like this before the show,” Benjamin Griffin said. “After all, it’s a clock’s duty to make sure everyone is on time.

” Griffin enjoys the theater and was very proud to say his daughter was also in the show. “It’s the first time we’ve both been on stage, acting together,” Griffin said. The story is timeless and loved by so many but will be in Killeen for only one more weekend.

With showings July 26-27, tickets for the play are available at https://vlakilleen.org/tickets/ . Story time with Princess Belle will be at 12:30 p.

m. Sunday, July 28 only..

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