
Six months after baby’s arrival, my hair’s falling out in clumps and I’m bursting into tears at the merest thing "Instead of that pregnancy radiance, I now sport dark circles under my eyes that could rival a raccoon’s." Stock image: Getty Maybe I’ll start making cushions. I could, you know, with the amount of hair I’m shedding every day now.

Or maybe I could sell it to some teddy factory and they could use it to fill the bears with. Seems a shame to throw away this level of perfectly good potential stuffing. Six months postpartum and I thought I was starting to come back to myself.

On my first baby, by this time, I was already two months pregnant again, so I had that glow, y’know. This time, solidly NOT pregnant, the glow has been replaced with a sort of perpetual exhaustion. Instead of that pregnancy radiance, I now sport dark circles under my eyes that could rival a raccoon’s.

My skin, once dewy and fresh, now seems to have taken on a dull, tired look. It’s like my body is saying, “You had your time to shine, now it’s time to pay the piper.” People look at me, tilt their heads and ask if Billy-Zeph is sleeping through the night yet, knowing full well he couldn’t be or I wouldn’t look like this.

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