
Since arriving on the Switch and other platforms in August, the turn-based action title SteamWorld Heist II has received ongoing support from the development team, and the latest update (Version 1.5) is now live. "The headliner" according to the team, is that you can now "buy back rare items" you've sold from the new 'Used Goods' section at 'Argent's Articles'.

There are also some new options to improve the 'ship firing angle' and adjust the text speed. Here's the full rundown (via Steam): Patch v1.5 Notes: As always, thank you for your support & happy heisting! Your SteamWorld Team And here's a bit about what we thought of SteamWorld Heist II when it originally launched on the Switch: "Steamworld Heist II expands upon its predecessor’s solid foundation, offering a more complex and ambitious experience that rewards patience and careful planning.

While the increased difficulty and expanded mechanics may deter some players, those willing to invest time and tweak things to suit their preferences will find a deeply satisfying tactical adventure.".

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