
(This is a companion piece to yesterday’s diary, Just the Stats, Man: Canvass Wrap up from AZ, FL, GA, MD, MI, MN, MT, NC, NV, OH, PA, TX & WI ) I’ve broken up my weekend wrapup of the prior week’s canvassing by Hope Springs from Field PAC [ website ] volunteers into two because it felt like it was a little overwhelming. Even then, i was asked yesterday for a summary of the shorter version . Maybe there’s too much transparency??? To review: last Saturday, 11,442 Hope Springs volunteers turned up to knock on doors, even though we are still unable to canvass in Phoenix and Las Vegas because of the extreme heat.

We knocked on 842,642 doors . Volunteers talked to 71,575 voters in these 13 states (Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin), Swing States for the presidential and senate campaigns in 2024. Volunteers talked to 71,575 voters in these 13 states on August 10th.

Of those, 45,439 voters answered questions on our Issues Survey, at least in part. Hope Springs volunteers registered 476 new voters and re-registered 676 voters at their current address to comply with federal law. 3,591 voters completed Constituent Service Request forms.

70 voters filled out Incident Reports . Here’s the state by state breakdown of these statistics. Arizona In Arizona, 289 volunteers came out in the heat to knock on doors last Saturday in the eastern suburbs of Tucson.

Canvassing in Phoenix was cancelled due to Heat Advisories (again). I believe that last year at this time, we were cancelling Tucson canvasses as well, so there’s that. We knocked on 19,854 doors and talked to 1,739 voters.

3,986 of those voters (most through follow-up phone calls to homes that did not answer the door on Saturday) answered at least some of the questions on our Issues Survey. We registered 16 new voters and re-registered 31 voters. 88 voters filled out Constituent Service Request forms.

Two voters filled out Incident Reports, which is notable because we hadn’t had that many from the Tucson region. The bruising heat had a lot to do with those numbers but several wanted to take advantage of Arizona’s permanent Early Voting List and thought better of it because of the heat (or their air conditioning). The Economy was the Number 1 issue for the Arizonans we talked to on Saturday.

Housing Availability, Costs and Housing Insurance Costs was the #2 issue voters raised. Reproductive Freedom or Rights was third. Vice President Harris’ Approval among the Arizonans we talked to was at 54% last Saturday.

Disapproval was 7%. 17% approved of Sinema, while 14% disapproved. Voters seem to have really stopped thinking about the Senator (that’s not even 35% combining the two numbers).

54% of the voters we talked to on Saturday approved of the now official Democratic Senate nominee, Ruben Gallego . 55% approved of the Governor, Katie Hobbs. 5% disapproved.

Florida 1,063 volunteers came out last Saturday, knocked on 78,130 doors and talked to 6,656 voters. 9,606 Issues Surveys were completed (again, most through follow-up calls). 78 new voters were registered, primarily in African-American neighborhoods, and 54 voters re-registered (all using the Secretary of State website).

397 voters filled out Constituent Service Request forms. 11 voters filled out Incident Reports. The Top Issue in Florida last Saturday was (Rising) Prices and/or Inflation.

Housing Availability, Costs and Housing Insurance Costs was the second most frequently cited Issue . Summer Worries was third . Heat, hurricanes, tourist traffic — that kind of thing .

57% (!) of the voters we talked to approved of the job Vice President Harris is doing in Florida. 6% disapproved. 14% approved of the job Rick Scott was doing; 38% disapproved.

20% approved of the job Ron DeSantis is doing; 32% disapproved. Georgia 1,363 volunteers came out to knock on doors last Saturday in the Atlanta suburbs and in southern Georgia Blackbelt counties. We knocked on 100,453 doors and talked to 8,820 voters.

17,086 of those voters answered at least some of our questions on our Issues Survey (primarily through follow-up calls to houses volunteers had knocked on that Saturday). We registered 121 new voters and re-registered 85 voters. Note the fact that Hope Springs volunteers registered more new voters than re-registrations (again!), largely a result of our efforts to find and register voters in Counties where African-Americans have been historically suppressed.

Five different Divine Nine chapters sent volunteers who knocked on doors in 4 different counties. 521 voters filled out Constituent Service Request forms, and 13 voters filled out Incident Reports. The Economy was the Top Issue in Georgia on Saturday.

Housing Availability, Costs and Housing Insurance Costs was second. Concern about Political Instability was third. Vice President Harris’ Approval among the Georgians we talked to was 68% (!) last Saturday.

5% of the voters we talked to disapproved of the president. 41% approved of the Governor, Brian Kemp. 32% disapproved.

Maryland 395 volunteers came out last Saturday to canvass in Maryland. Volunteers knocked on 29,111 doors and talked to 2,352 voters. 1,481 answered questions on our Issues Survey.

We re-registered 19 voters at their current address. 84 voters completed Constituent Service Request forms. (Rising) Prices and/or Inflation was the Number 1 Issue with the voters we talked to.

Housing Availability, Costs and Housing Insurance Costs was second. Infrastructure Needs was third. Again, i note that most of our volunteers were in western Maryland and not Baltimore, where the bridge would be an obvious concern.

Harris’ Approval among the voters we talked to was 66% last Saturday in Maryland. 5% of the voters we talked to disapproved of the president. 57% approved of Democratic Senate nominee Angela Alsobrooks .

Within the states where Hope Springs volunteers are canvassing, Alsobrooks seems to be the biggest winner among the senate candidates running. 57% approved of the Governor Moore. 5% disapproved.

Michigan 1,352 volunteers came out to knock on doors in Michigan. We knocked on 100,994 doors last Saturday — the most doors knocked on the 10th. Volunteers talked to 8,867 voters .

5,648 of those voters answered questions to at least part of the Issues Survey. We registered 51 new voters and re-registered 136 voters at their current address. 439 voters completed Constituent Service Request forms and 4 voters filled out Incident Reports.

Economic Uncertainty was the Number 1 Issue in Michigan on Saturday. Housing Availability, Costs and Housing Insurance Costs was second. Political Violence was third.

It was the 7th week in a row where some component over the Democracy Basket Issues came in third when we asked Michigan voters about their most urgent concern for the country. Vice President Harris’ Approval among the voters we talked to was 58% last Saturday. 6% disapproved of the president.

59% of the voters we talked to approved of what Elissa Slotkin was doing. 58% approved of the Governor Whitmer. 4% disapproved.

Minnesota 301 volunteers came out to knock on doors in MN-02. We knocked on 21,882 doors and v olunteers talked to 1,647 voters . 1,054 of those voters answered questions to at least part of the Issues Survey.

We registered 6 new voters and re-registered 21 voters at their current address. 55 voters completed Constituent Service Request forms. The Economy was the Number 1 Issue in Minnesota on Saturday.

Housing Availability, Costs and Housing Insurance Costs was second. Political Instability was third. Vice President Harris’ Approval was 58% among the voters we spoke to last Saturday.

6% disapproved of the vice president. 64% of the voters we talked to approved of Amy Klobuchar; 4% disapproved. Voter approval of Governor Tim Walz was 67% among the voters we talked to; 3% disapproved.

One voter told us she thought “it would be neat” to have a vice president from her state — something that is not exactly rare. Montana In Montana, 65 volunteers came out last Saturday. They knocked on 4,725 doors and talked to 367 voters.

232 voters completed Issues Surveys, at least in part. 3 voters re-registered at their current address. 18 voters filled out Constituent Service Request forms.

The Top Issue in Montana Saturday was The Economy. Concern about Mortgage/Farm Loan Rates was the second most frequently cited Issue . 46% of the voters we talked to approved of the job Vice President Harris is doing in Montana.

11% disapproved. 64% approved of the job Jon Tester was doing; 6% disapproved. 17% approved of the job the Governor, Greg Gianforte is doing; 35% disapproved.

Nevada In Nevada, 317 volunteers came out to canvass in the Reno suburbs. We knocked on 23,648 doors and talked to 2,043 voters. 1,307 voters answered questions on our Issues Survey.

We registered 11 new voters and re-registered 32 voters, updating their current address. 96 voters completed Constituent Service Request forms. (Rising) Prices and/or Inflation was the Number 1 issue voters talked about last weekend.

Housing Availability, Costs and Housing Insurance Costs was second. Reproductive Freedom or Rights was third. Approval of Vice President Harris was 53% among the voters we talked to last Saturday.

8% disapproved of her. 56% approved of their Senator, Jacky Rosen . Rosen is definitely in for a fight, not because she has a competitive opponent, but because the political environment in Nevada is tumultuous right now.

5% disapproved. 18% approved of the Governor, Joe Lombard. 33% disapproved.

Hope Springs from Field PAC began knocking on doors again on March 2nd to set up a favorable “battle space” or foundation for Democrats in 2024. We target Democrats and unaffiliated voters with a systematic approach that reminds them not only that Democrats care, but Democrats are determined to deliver the best government possible to all Americans. The voters we talk to in these 13 Swing States tell us they come away more invested in governance and feel more favorably towards Democrats in general because of our approach.

Obviously, we rely on grassroots support, so if you support field/grassroots organizing, voter registration (and follow-up) and our efforts to protect our voters, we would certainly appreciate your support: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/hopemobilization2024 Hope Springs from Field understands that volunteer to voter personal interactions are critical.

Knocking on doors has repeatedly been found to be the most successful tactic to get voters to cast a ballot and that is the goal of what we do. North Carolina 1,185 volunteers came out to knock on doors last Saturday in North Carolina. We’ve started using cooling vehicles here, too.

We knocked on 87,927 doors (this was more than double the prior week) and talked to 7,702 voters. 4,852 of those voters answered at least some of our questions on our Issues Survey. We registered 54 new voters and re-registered 42 voters (again, thanks to the Divine Nine volunteers mobilized by our special voter registration project).

368 voters filled out Constituent Service Request forms and 12 voters filled out Incident Reports. (Rising) Prices and/or Inflation was the Top Issue in North Carolina on Saturday. Housing Availability, Costs and Housing Insurance Costs was second.

Concern over Political Violence was third, and at least one voter expressed worry about violence in Chicago this week (remember, this was last weekend). Vice President Harris’ Job Approval among the voters we talked to was 61% last Saturday. 5% disapproved of the president.

59% approved of the Governor, Roy Cooper. 6% disapproved. Ohio 1,217 volunteers showed up last Saturday in Ohio to knock on doors in the competitive OH-01, OH-09 and OH-13 Congressional Districts.

They knocked on 90,909 doors (more than double the prior week) on Saturday. Hope Springs volunteers talked to 7,163 voters , and 4,491 voters answered questions from at least part of the Issues Survey. We registered 26 new voters and re-registered 46 voters, updating their current address.

307 voters completed Constituent Service Request forms. The Economy was the Number 1 issue for the Ohioans we talked to on Saturday. Housing Availability, Costs and Housing Insurance Costs was second.

Concern over Global Warming was third. This is the first time as a Top 3 issue. Vice President Harris’ Job Approval was at 56%; 7% expressed some measure of Disapproval.

61% of the voters who responded Approved of the job Sen. Brown was doing while 6% expressed Disapproval. 3 2 % of the voters we talked to thought Gov.

DeWine was doing a good job, 33% said they disapproved of the job he was doing. Pennsylvania 1,322 volunteers showed up to knock on doors in the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh regions last Saturday. This is another state where we only knocked on Democratic doors on Saturday.

We knocked on 98,356 doors and talked to 8,291 voters. 5,281 voters completed questions on our Issues Survey, at least in part. We registered 35 new voters and re-registered 63 voters, updating their current address.

428 voters completed Constituent Service Request forms and 4 voters filled out Incident Reports. Economic Uncertainty was the Top Issue last Saturday in the state. Housing Availability, Costs and Housing Insurance Costs was the Second most cited Issue.

Reproductive Freedom or Rights was third. Notice how this returns to the Top the more a lead candidate focuses upon it? Vice President Harris’ Job Approval was at 64%; 4% expressed some measure of Disapproval. 63% of the voters who responded Approved of the job Sen.

Casey was doing while 5% said they Disapproved. 67% of the voters we talked to thought Gov. Shapiro was doing a good job, 4% said they disapproved of the job he was doing.

Texas 1,373 volunteers came out to knock on doors last Saturday in Texas. We knocked on 98,581 doors and talked to 7,876 voters. 13,779 of those voters, mostly through follow-up calls answered at least some of our questions on our Issues Survey.

We registered 53 new voters and re-registered 84 voters. 417 voters filled out Constituent Service Request forms. 13 voters filled out Incident Reports.

(Rising) Prices and/or Inflation was the Top Issue in Texas last weekend. Housing Availability, Costs and Housing Insurance Costs was second and Immigration and Border Security was third. Vice President Harris’ Approval among the Texans we talked to was 53% last Saturday.

7% of the voters we talked to disapproved. 17% of the voters voiced approval of Ted Cruz; 38% disapproved. We have also been asking about job approval of Colin Allred , the Democrat running against Ted Cruz.

53% of the voters we talked to approved of the job he’s been doing. 16% approved of the Governor, Greg Abbot. 35% disapproved.

Wisconsin 1,211 volunteers came out to canvass in Wisconsin in Milwaukee (where we are canvassing in African-American wards) and its suburbs (the WOW counties), as well as Kenosha, Waukesha and Dane counties. Hope Springs volunteers knocked on 89,250 doors and talked to 8,005 voters . 5,122 of those voters answered at least some of our questions on the Issues Survey .

We registered 25 new voters and re-registered 63 voters. 378 voters filled out Constituent Service Request forms. 11 voters filled out an Incident Report.

The Economy was the Top Concern among the Wisconsin voters we talked to on Saturday. Housing Availability, Costs and Housing Insurance Costs was the second most frequently cited concern. Reproductive Freedom or Rights was third.

Kamala Harris ’ Approval numbers in Wisconsin was 59% last Saturday. Her Disapproval number was 5%. Senator Baldwin ’s Job Approval was 64% with 5% of the voters we talked to on Saturday expressing Disapproval.

Approval of Governor Evers, meanwhile, was 53%; Disapproval was 6% last Saturday. Hope Springs has targeted states that have competitive Senate races and/or the Electoral College in 2024, as well as districts that are remapped in ways that offer opportunities or vulnerabilities for Democrats next year (specifically those where a Republican won a Congressional District that voted for Biden in 2022). There is a lot of work to be done! Especially since we have had to expand the map this year.

By starting early, and aiming towards super-compliance with these really, really onerous provisions, Hope Springs from Field seeks to undermine Republican efforts to throw Democrats off the voter rolls, informing voters about the new laws and regulations aimed at them. There’s a lot of work to be done, but fortunately, the three states that are making it most difficult are also states in which you can knock on doors at least 10 months out of the year. And, with your help, we will be there, getting our people to super-comply with these restrictive provisions.

Printing literature to leave at voter’s doors is our largest cost (although that was not the case last year). Our second biggest expense is the Voter File. But it is also a fixed cost.

That won’t change as we raise and spend more money. Printing and mailing our our Post Cards to New Voters is our third cost and paying the fees for ActBlue is the smallest of our monthly costs. But here’s the reality: Identifying Single Issue Voters and Constitutional Amendment supporters and doing GOTV (Get-Out-the-Vote) costs us more money than our regular canvassing because this issue drives volunteer turnout higher and higher and we reach more voters.

Which means we have to buy more lit to distribute and other minor expenses (like water for volunteers). We are starting earlier, and staying in the field longer, for this election year. So please: If you are able to support our efforts to protect Democratic voters, especially in minority communities, expand the electorate, and believe in grassroots efforts to increase voter participation and election protection, please help: https://secure.

actblue.com/donate/hopemobilization2024 If you would rather send a check, you can follow that link for our mailing address at the bottom of the ActBlue page. Thank you for your support.

This work depends upon you! [Feel free to let me know if this is easier to digest than the combined — and much longer — pieces is was doing each weekend prior in the comments].

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