
A Reader’s Feature is appalled at the recent Shattered Space DLC for Starfield but offers some constructive criticism on how to rebound from it. In a week in which we learnt that Blizzard had cancelled 17 different games over the last few years I can’t help thinking that Bethesda should’ve taken a leaf out of their book, if not with Starfield itself then definitely with Shattered Space. I might only be DLC, but I have never seen a game from a major developer get such a negative response, with the Metacritic score for both critics and fans in absolute lockstep.

As I type this one is 57 and the other is 5.7. I’ve never seen anything like it.

According to GC’s review most of the DLC was probably designed before Starfield came out, so couldn’t really react to people’s complaints about the main game. But that just makes things worse: if Bethesda couldn’t see the problems beforehand what are they even doing? Since it’s on Game Pass I have played the game, but I couldn’t get through it all. It just all seems so.

.. amateurish.

It feels more like a mod than the actual fan made mods, with its constant bugs and glitches, embarrassing dialogue, bland combat, and predictable quests. How can this be the same developer that made the groundbreaking Skyrim ? Skyrim is one of the most important video games ever made (and apparently still more popular than Starfield ). It’s impossible to talk about role-playing games without mentioning it, especially Western titles.


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