
KILGORE — I don't know his name. Heck. I don't know if the person who abandoned him even bothered to name him before they dropped him off in the parking lot at Driller Park about a week ago.

I just call him Driller. He doesn't seem to mind. He hasn't let me pet him yet, but I hope that changes soon.

My wife always tells me I'm going to die trying to pet a critter that doesn't want to be petted, but I'm not worried about Driller. He's a big friendly dog who constantly wags his tail, but — for now at least — he doesn't trust me. I don't blame him.

I would never hurt a dog, but he doesn't know that. All he knows is that someone who probably promised to love him and take care of him forever failed him miserably by dumping him in a parking lot. That kind of hurt and betrayal isn't easy to forget, so I'll give him some time.

I don't know who let this beautiful dog down in such a horrible way, and it's probably in their best interest that I never find out. I’m not saying I would have a black eye discussion over this, but I can’t guarantee I wouldn’t. East Texas is full of intelligent, caring people.

I doubt either of those words describe the person who did this, but in case you stumble upon this column I want you to know a few things. Dogs are better than people. That means if you came back for him, Driller would forgive you immediately and go right back to loving you even though you don't deserve it.

None of us deserve a dog's unconditional love, which makes what you did even more despicable. Driller likes turkey. He actually looks pretty well-fed, so maybe you already know that.

Yes. I plan to feed him if he keeps coming around. No, I can't adopt him.

Just not enough room in my small house, and there's no way he would stay in our small backyard. I hope that doesn't make me a jerk, but if it does I can still put my head on my pillow at night and go to sleep knowing I at least tried to comfort one of God's most beautiful creations. I hope you never get another good night's sleep after what you did.

You actually did one thing right when you dumped Driller where you did. This particular neighborhood is full of good folks who won't let him go hungry or without love as long as he sticks around here. I’d be willing to bet I'm not the only one on this street feeding him and hoping Driller learns to trust people again so they can eventually pet him.

He’s better off here than with you, and since Driller has probably already forgiven you for throwing him away like yesterday’s trash, I guess I should try to find it in my heart to do the same. It won’t be easy, but it’s what Driller would want me to do, and I don’t want to let him down. He’s had enough people do that already.


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