
Spiders the size of RATS are set to invade UK in their thousands as homeowners are given an urgent warning . Thousands of spiders are swarming the UK as a disappointing summer season continues up and down the UK in August. The enormous spiders are said to be bigger than rats.

The Fen Raft Spider, a terrifyingly large arachnid with a leg span as wide as a man's hand, is surging and has made a miraculous comeback thanks to a successful breeding program. Their webs can stretch up to a whopping 25cm - which the Sun says is the size of a pizza. Tim Strudwick, site manager at the RSPB Mid Yare nature reserves, said: "The Fen Raft Spider is one of the UK’s rarest invertebrates and we are proud of the role our reserves and teams have played in its recovery.

READ MORE Parents could be given new £5,000 Parental Tax Allowance from HMRC "These spiders have an important role in maintaining the rich aquatic diversity found in the grazing ditches on our reserves." Strudwick describes them as :"impressive in size, but also beautiful – they are truly special to see." RSPB ecologist Jane Sears, who has been heavily involved in the Fen Raft Spider conservation efforts, said: "The RSPB has played an important role in the reintroduction of these spiders.

It means we must continue to restore, manage, and protect the wetland habitats where the Fen Raft Spider thrives to ensure the future of not just this species, but many others too." As part of the long-term programme to prevent extinction and recover the fortunes of the species in Britain, new populations have been established by translocation since 2010. The species is still listed as "Vulnerable" and remains a Priority Species.

But the annual spider surveys in September are expected to show another successful breeding year. There are now over 3,750 breeding females now scuttling around at 12 different sites in Norfolk alone..

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