
TikTok users named a young boy ‘Spiced-Coke kid’ after he mistook the soda for alcohol in a viral video. A young boy was beside himself when he thought he had consumed alcohol by mistake. In a TikTok shared by his aunt, Morgan Deardeuff, the boy voiced concerns about a drink he had been offered.

“My nephew told me his friends accidentally drank alcohol the night before so I asked him to show me what they drank,” Morgan said. When her nephew looked the drink up on the internet, his aunt could barely hold in her laughter and soon realized he was mistaken because of the name of the beverage. Turns out, the boy thought the can of Coca-Cola Spiced in the fridge contained actual alcohol, mistaking the word “spiced” for “spiked.

” Fearing that he’d be in trouble, the boy decided not to drink it. “So, this is what kids your age were drinking last night? But you didn’t drink it, right?” Morgan asked. “No, I was about to,” her nephew, who TikTokers named the ‘Spiced-Coke kid,’ answered.

“Some kids are dumb because they thought it was ‘spice,’” the boy added, alluding to the fact that he and his friends also thought the soda contained recreational drugs. He then explained the comical reason why he and his pals were considering trying the drink in the first place. “So, we tried this nut with like, ghost pepper in it, and everybody got thirsty.

So, I grabbed the last water. So, the only thing that was left in the mini-fridge was this, and they thou.

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