
Thursday, August 22, 2024 In a recent move, Spain has decided to impose transit visa requirements on travelers from the Central African Republic, as confirmed by sources from the Spanish Interior Ministry. This decision comes in response to reports indicating that Central African nationals were utilizing Spanish airports as a gateway for irregular entries into the country and applying for asylum upon arrival. The news was first reported by Schengen.

News. This isn’t the first time Spain has introduced such measures. In June, the country mandated transit visas for travelers from Sudan and Chad, followed shortly by the inclusion of Kenya and Senegal.

A transit visa allows travelers to pass through Spanish airports without entering the country. To obtain this visa, Central African Republic citizens must submit the required documents to the Spanish consulate or embassy. The Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR) expressed strong disapproval of the government’s decision, taking to social media to voice concerns.

CEAR criticized the move, arguing that it further restricts access to international protection for individuals fleeing conflict zones. The organization highlighted the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic, accusing the Spanish government of prioritizing migration control over human rights. Frontex, the EU Border and Coast Guard Agency, reported that between January and June, there were 16 cases of irregular entries into EU territory involving individuals from the Central African Republic.

Most of these cases were recorded along the Central Mediterranean route, with others noted on the Western African route and at the Eastern Borders. As of August 16, Spain’s transit visa requirements have expanded to include nationals from several African countries, including Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Somalia. In addition, passport holders from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka are also required to obtain a transit visa when passing through any EU airport.

Spain has recently expanded the list of countries whose citizens are required to obtain a transit visa when passing through Spanish airports. The African nations now included on this list are: In addition to these African countries, citizens of several other nations are also subject to this requirement. These countries include Cuba, Haiti, India, Syria, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and Palestine.

This measure underscores Spain’s efforts to manage and regulate the flow of international travelers through its airports..

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