Bollywood fashionista Sonam Kapoor revealed that one dish that reminds of her home includes Sindhi delicacies. Sonam, whose mother Sunita is a Sindhi, took to Instagram stories, where she shared a reel about “one dish that always reminds of home” is “Sindhi koki with dahi and papad.” She also shared a video of “masala bread.
” Sonam Kapoor's Stunning Biker Chic Look at Dior Spring-Summer at Paris Fashion Week Was 'Styled to Perfection' by 'Genius' Sister Rhea Kapoor (Watch BTS Video). The actress in her stories also shared that she is on her way back to home in London after her stay in Dubai. Sonam shared a picture of a Christmas tree and wrote: “Back home in London coming back to this lovely @dior.
” On December 8, Sonam shared glimpses of her family by the sea. In the first picture, Sonam can be seen sitting with her husband, Anand Ahuja, on the seashore, enjoying the sunset view. In the next few pictures, Sonam and her son Vayu can be seen playing by the sea.
Along with the pictures, Sonam added a caption that reads: "A friend recently asked me, 'If I had to drive to meet the person I wanted to be in my wildest dreams, who would that be?' “The answer was so clear: it's just me. The best version of me—a diamond in the rough that experiences and life keep polishing and refining, making me better every day. Everything I've ever wanted, everything I've dreamed of being, is already here.
This picture says it all. “It's not about becoming someone else—it's .