
Mike Hadge Pop Culture Are you a Colleen Hoover reader? If not, she’s a young adult romance fiction novelist best known for 2016’s Does that title sound particularly familiar at this exact moment in history? That’s because it’s just been turned into a film starring Blake Lively and there’s speculation that there has since the press tour launched. Oh, Hoover also sells a whole lotta books, with 28.9 million sold to date.

(Those are some numbers right there.) If you a Colleen Hoover reader, you may have noticed a recurring theme in her . No, I’m not talking about longing or self-actualization or trauma-breaking.

I speak, naturally, of marine-grade polymer. Okay, so if your profession does not involve deck furniture, it helps for context here to know that marine-grade polymer is It’s meant to survive the elements and last a long time, hence its wide use is the item. You might be thinking, wow he sure is talking a lot about marine-grade polymer right now.

Friend, I ain’t got nothing on Colleen Hoover in that department. Lately, on the internet, of Hoover’s cited her strange, repeated references to marine-grade polymer. There’s something going on here.

Take a look: My friend and I once tried to read It Ends With Us together and it’s very bad in a lot of ways. For example, why does Colleen Hoover keep mentioning marine-grade polymer? It comes up so many times. It’s so funny.

Why is she doing this It’s clearly not just a fluke. The discovery has led to some very amusing reactions and speculation about what the deal is with this. It also has readers intrigued.


Big Marine-Grade Polymer strikes again...

I have listened to at least 15 romance novels in the last month (blame my ADHD & deep aversion to most real-life men 🤣). Noticing the author’s weird repetitive phrases is my 2nd favorite part of the genre & “marine-grade polymer” is especially weird. 😂 Well, that's my curiosity about Colleen Hoover sated for the rest of my life.

Although now I'm really curious about marine-grade polymer. Puts down the book. “Why am I craving marine grade polymer?” Did she have to remove all of the brand references to Polywood and this was the best she could do? a "find and replace" with "marine-grade polymer"? Chekov’s marine-grade polymer I hope it's something silly like someone triple-dog dared her to put as many marine-grade polymer references as she could.

There ain't no backing down from a triple-dog dare about marine-grade polymer. You're telling me a marine-grade polymer wrote this book? Everything I know about Colleen Hoover and her books I learned against my will but this is lore I welcome. Apparently It Ends With Marine-Grade Polymer.

Maybe “marine-grade polymer” was the secret phrase Anne Shirley will have a conniption when she realizes Hoover turned her beautiful story into a baking powder/marine grade polymer ad. (It Ends With Averil’s Atonement) I know nothing about this book beyond the movie commercials (which make it look pretty predictable and boring) but now I kind of want to read it for the marine-grade polymer im convinced the breed of authors like colleen hoover like to pick up something quirky to insert over and over again in their books. in this case its the marine-grade polymer, in others its some weird shit the average person doesn’t care for Is Colleen Hoover doing product placement for marine-grade polymer? I see your Marine Grade polymer and raise you Ellen Degeneres.

She obvz has shares in a marine grade polymer chair factory. Hey, whatever gets people reading books in this day and age. So, well done, Hoover.

May all your future polymer be marine-grade..

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