
Bollywood star Soha Ali Khan is also a fitness enthusiast. The actress, who takes great care of her skin, recently, shared her top 3 beauty tips with her fans. Her secrets comprised three major factors – consuming a healthy diet, gentle skincare routine and self-care.

Nourishing your skin from within is a powerful approach to achieving a healthy and radiant complexion. A well-rounded skincare routine should start with what you consume. Ensuring your body has the nutrients it needs to support skin repair, hydration, and protection against environmental stressors is a must.

Soha Ali Khan says, “Taking care of skin becomes even more crucial during winter when the cold temperatures and dry air can strip away its natural radiance. This is particularly important for me as an actor, constantly in the spotlight.” She says that to maintain her glowing skin, she has a skincare routine which comprises self-care, hydration and nutrition.

The actress shared her on-the-go snacks which included almonds, berries and fruits. Soha also says that almonds are a must in her diet as it contains vitamin E, which has the ability to impart anti-aging properties. Drinking at least eight glasses of water and consuming hydrating fruits like oranges, cucumbers and melons are also a part of her routine.

What you put into your body has a direct influence on how your skin looks and feels. Prioritising a nutrient-rich diet and staying hydrated will improve your skin from the inside out. A gentle skincare routine is essential for maintaining healthy, balanced skin.

Soha Ali Khan says, “With a hectic work schedule, adapting my skincare routine to my life is crucial to maintain its radiance.” The actress mentioned that she exfoliates 1 to 2 time a week using a gentle scrub. She even uses a mild moisturising cleanser to remove all the dirt and oil but without stripping the natural oils from the face.

For added moisture, she uses a hydrating, rich nourishing cream that acts as a protective barrier against harsh weather conditions. Like everyone else, Soha also uses SPF 30 sunscreen to protect herself from the sun’s harmful UV rays. By sticking to a gentle skincare routine, you help maintain your skin’s natural balance and prevent irritation, making it easier to achieve healthy, glowing skin over time.

Self-care and mindfulness are essential practices for maintaining both mental and physical well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and distractions are constant, taking time to nurture yourself and be fully present can greatly enhance your overall quality of life. The Rang De Basanti actress says that she engages in activities like Pilates, yoga or fast walking.

This not only keeps her invigorated and focused but also promotes blood circulation for a youthful glow. She also practices deep breathing which keeps her grounded and helps to manage the stress. Additionally, mediation assists her in managing the responsibilities of her family and job.

Sleep is another important factor. Sleeping for 7 to 9 hours will allow the body and skin to repair and regenerate. Together, self-care and mindfulness create a powerful toolkit for living a more balanced, intentional life.

Soha Ali Khan also says that seeking the opinion of a dermatologist or skincare specialist can provide customised guidance tailored to your unique requirements..

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