
Jocelyn Wildenstein, who has died aged 84, hit the headlines in 1997 during her divorce from her wealthy art collector husband, Alec Wildenstein, because of her addiction to cosmetic surgery, the decidedly scary consequences of which led to her being given the nickname “the Bride of Wildenstein”. Jocelyn’s story had truly tragic elements. Her devotion to extreme plastic surgery began when, some years married and with two children, she began to fear that her husband (who “hated old people”, she claimed), was losing interest in her.

Hoping to win back his affections, she embarked on a series of procedures to “improve” her looks. These included an unknown number of collagen injections to her lips, cheeks and chin, along with at least seven facelifts and drastic eye reconstruction surgery. By the end, her skin was stretched so tightly over her face that she could barely blink and her lips so stuffed with collagen they looked like rubber.

Jocelyn Wildenstein conceived the notion that her husband might find her more attractive if she became “more feline”. Credit: Internet “I don’t think I’ve known her when she wasn’t healing from something,” a friend recalled. Alec had an interest in exotic wild cats, which he hunted on his 27000-hectare ranch in Kenya, and Jocelyn conceived the bizarre notion that he might find her more attractive if she became “more feline”.

To achieve the desired effect, she even had her pigment darkened. Unfortunately, the treatm.

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