Uttarakhand Sports Minister encouraged social media influencers to go beyond formal coverage of the games and to create content on their blogs, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram accounts. She urged them to highlight Uttarakhand's tourist attractions, religious sites, cultural customs, and cuisine in their content, ensuring that all aspects of Devbhoomi are shared with the world. Dehradun : To promote the 38th National Games being held in Uttarakhand, the state government is leaving no stone unturned to connect locals and the global audience with this event.
In this effort, Uttarakhand Sports Minister Rekha Arya has taken the initiative to involve social media influencers from the state to promote the 38th National Games. For global outreach, influencers and social media content creators from across the state have been asked to come together to provide special coverage of the National Games. On the instructions of Sports Minister Rekha Arya, the department invited popular social media influencers of the state to the Sports Secretariat on Saturday.
Social media influencers will make national games global In the meeting, the Sports Minister appealed to the social media influencers to not only provide formal coverage of the games but also to create content through their blogs, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram accounts. She urged them to include Uttarakhand’s tourist places, religious sites, cultural customs, and food in their content so that all aspects of Devbhoomi can reach th.