
The snipers were on the rooftops of Grand Rapids from 7am. The hat and t-shirt sellers were on the streets even earlier. It could only mean one thing - Donald Trump was in town.

Exactly a week after coming within a quarter of an inch of being assassinated , Trump was back on the campaign trail. The Republicans had vowed to dial down the rhetoric in the wake of the Pennsylvania shooting. But try telling that to the frenzied 12,000-strong crowd who turned out to welcome him to the battleground state of Michigan on Saturday.

Trump’s appearance at the Republican National Convention across Lake Michigan in Milwaukee last week was headline news. But for the voters he is counting on to get him back into the White House, this was the first chance to see him in person since the attack. They came from far and wide, many in ‘pimped out’ pick-up trucks bearing Trump slogans and flags.

Their t-shirts mocked Presidential rival Joe Biden and boasted of voting for a “convicted felon”. Security was massively ramped up in the wake of the attack by shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks in Butler. Snipers were stationed on top of multi-storey car parks and office blocks next to the downtown Van Andel Arena.

The first Trump followers turned up on Friday afternoon, camping out to secure a sought-after front row spot. But the majority - along with the Mirror - arrived at the crack of dawn on Saturday morning to sit in line. By 9am a massive queue snaked around several downtown blocks, appearing to take police by surprise.

One marshall, working for the Trump campaign, said: “This is crazy. My mind is blown by the amount of people.” Laurie Beitler, 51, who has been to all but one of his 33 rallies, proudly showed off her new Trump tattoo as she stood in line with friends.

“I’m an ultra patriot,” she boasted. “I’m a true Trumpeter. I’m not going to hide it.

If people like it, I don’t care. I love my country. I’ll wear Trump t-shirts to get the groceries.

I get some abuse but mostly people are supportive. “It’s exciting to be here today. We’re witnessing history.

Trump is getting back in the White House baby! I’m not worried about safety after what happened last weekend. This is probably the safest place in America today.” Cinzia Porati, 61, from Lancing, Michigan, sporting a ‘Women for Trump’ hat, was equally-supportive of the former President.

“The democrats have tried to bankrupt him, tried to jail him and have tried to kill him. All failed,” she said. “I’m an Italian immigrant and I support him 100%.

He is one of the strongest men I know.” After five hours in the queue, the doors to the Van Andel Arena opened at 1pm - still four hours before Trump was due to speak. Organisers ensured the seats behind the stage - the ones in view of the TV cameras - were the first to be filled.

Republican aides handed out ‘Joe Biden You’re Fired’ and ‘Trump/Vance’ placards to the crowd. They got them into a frenzy by organising a Mexican wave and playing music videos by The Who, ZZ Top, ABBA and Queen. Inside the arena, Alesha Brown, 21, and her boyfriend James Wiser, 20, proudly held aloft a Trump flag.

Alesha, who lives in Grand Rapids, told the Mirror: “We’re huge Trump fans and needed to be here. “We’re just normal people, like everyone here today. Because we’re Republicans, we’re portrayed in a bad light.

People make us out to be crazy because we love God and Trump, but that’s not true. We’re just proud Americans.” JD Vance, Trump’s running mate and potential next Vice President, was wheeled out to give a speech.

But there was no disguising who the crowd wanted - and he eventually emerged to a rapturous reception at 5.15pm. Chants of “USA, USA, USA” and “fight, fight, fight,” filled the packed arena.

Organisers said at least 1,000 were locked outside. Trump, flanked by six Secret Service agents and wearing a new flesh-coloured bandage on his right ear,, held aloft his fist to the crowd. He then embarked on a rambling two-hour speech, which began by referencing the shooting and ended by mocking “pathetic” Biden.

Trump described the assassination attempt as “horrific”, saying: “I took a bullet for democracy.” “I shouldn’t be here right now but something very special happened,” he said. “It was an evil attack.

Nobody ever saw anything like it and I hope they never will again.” Trump spoke about 20-year-old Crooks for the first time, describing him as a “horrendous person”. He then tore into President Biden, saying of his recent troubles: “It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

He doesn’t know what’s going on,” he added. “He has a 70 IQ. He’s a febrile little guy, a weak pathetic man, a stupid person.

” Trump then went down the familiar path of vowing to deport immigrants and stop the “terrible invasion” from Mexico. “We will bring back the American dream and it will be bigger, better and bolder than ever before,” he said. At one point he poked fun at his “terrible” combover after spotting himself on the big screen.

“That’s a severe combover,” he said. “What’s with that? I apologise. That’s like a work of art.

” He revealed Chinese President Xi Jingping had written him a “beautiful” note following the shooting And in his final remarks he boasted of his ability to prevent armed conflict around the globe. “We’re very close to World War III happening. I will prevent World War III from happening.

” As the speech passed the two-hour mark there were noticeable gaps beginning to appear in the crowd. "We’re done, we still love him but man he’s gone on too long,” said one supporter. Eventually Trump left the arena to another rapturous reception.

Next week will be another state, another rally for Trump, and yet more snipers on rooftops. Meanwhile there are still lingering doubts about who he will compete against for the Presidency. Will Biden, 81, listen to the growing calls for him to step aside? Or is he going to battle to stay in the White House for another four year? Welcome to the craziness of the 2024 US Presidential election.

And there are still four months to go..

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