A survey of 2,000 drivers aged 18 and over has revealed that six out of ten motorists believe modern technology is taking the enjoyment out of driving. They fear they will miss features such as spare wheels, handbrakes, and manual gears when they become obsolete. The study found that two-thirds of respondents struggle to understand all the features on modern cars, with just over half believing that driving skills are deteriorating due to these advancements.
According to the research, a third of drivers will be disappointed when spare wheels are completely phased out. Other features set to be missed include handbrake levers (31%), manual gears (28%), clutch pedals (28%), engine noise (26%), and key ignition (24%). The research was commissioned by car shopping site CarGurus, which has created a guide on popular retro car features and which models still feature them.
This comes after the study revealed the features drivers are most nostalgic about - including tape decks (19%), door mirrors as opposed to cameras (17%), and dashboard buttons (14%). Chris Knapman, CarGurus UK editorial director, said: “As new models continue to be released with the latest technology, there is clearly plenty of appetite from consumers to hold onto some traditional features. “A mixture of nostalgia and user-friendliness has drivers wishing to have more analogue elements to their cars, while, at the same time, appreciating the added safety and convenience offered by today’s modern features.
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