
Friday, August 23, 2024 Sino Jet wins two awards at the International Green Zero-Carbon Festival, highlighting its leadership in pioneering sustainable business aviation. Sino Jet has been honored with the esteemed “Green Sustainable Development Contribution Award” and the “Dual Carbon Digital Pioneer Award” at the International Green Zero-Carbon Festival. These accolades highlight Sino Jet’s leadership in promoting environmentally friendly aviation practices and showcase its expertise and influence in digital innovation.

The recognition marks a significant milestone in advancing the green transition and fostering sustainable development within the business aviation sector. As the leading business jet operator in the Asia-Pacific region, Sino Jet is committed to its role as a pioneer in advocating for green practices within the industry. In 2022, Sino Jet established clear targets and strategies to achieve carbon neutrality, successfully conducting China’s first-ever carbon-neutral business jet flight—a groundbreaking achievement that has set a new benchmark for sustainable development in the sector.

To advance its green aviation goals, Sino Jet has implemented a comprehensive carbon emissions management framework, published annual carbon emissions reports, and actively shared its environmental progress, demonstrating its steadfast commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Recognized as a national high-tech enterprise, Sino Jet leverages its technological expertise and unique digital capabilities to make digital transformation the foundation of its sustainable aviation initiatives. The company actively develops and deploys advanced digital tools, such as Electronic Flight Bags (EFB), Electronic Work Cards, and Electronic Flight Log Books (EFLB), enhancing both productivity and resource efficiency.

With its strong research and development capabilities, Sino Jet has created an integrated digital system that covers the entire lifecycle of aircraft and operational processes, significantly improving operational efficiency and elevating customer service standards. Moreover, Sino Jet utilizes its extensive experience in aircraft maintenance and asset management to support and promote the circular economy. By dismantling retired aircraft, Sino Jet facilitates the reuse and recycling of high-precision components, reducing carbon emissions associated with aircraft manufacturing and extending the lifespan of aircraft parts.

This approach not only minimizes the environmental impact but also helps customers maximize the value of their aircraft assets. Sino Jet has ingrained the principles of green operations across all aspects of its business, from organizing second-hand bazaars and tree-planting events to creating directories of eco-friendly suppliers and partnering with sustainable restaurants. Employees are encouraged to pledge their commitment to green practices, reflecting the company’s deep respect for and dedication to sustainable development.

These initiatives underscore Sino Jet’s commitment to making green development a shared value and guiding principle for all its staff. According to Sino Jet’s recently released Carbon Emissions Report for 2023, the company has achieved a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, marking an 11.06% decrease from its 2021 baseline, despite ongoing growth in flight operations.

This significant achievement underscores Sino Jet’s exceptional focus on energy management and operational efficiency improvements. The company’s efforts have garnered widespread industry recognition and acclaim, including invitations to represent the aviation industry at the United Nations Climate Change Conference on two occasions, where Sino Jet has shared its insights and experiences to promote sustainable growth in the global aviation sector. Winning two prestigious awards at the International Green Zero-Carbon Festival not only highlights Sino Jet’s dedication to sustainable and innovative practices but also underscores its strong growth potential.

Moving forward, Sino Jet remains committed to continuous exploration and innovation, collaborating closely with industry partners to advance the green and smart evolution of the business aviation industry, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of the global aviation sector..

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