Playback singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya, who once was the voice of Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan in film music, is back to doing what he does best: courting controversies. After making headlines over being snubbed after , Abhijeet is on the radar for his comments on Mahatma Gandhi which has landed him in a legal soup. What Abhijeet Bhattacharya said about Mahatma Gandhi told Shubhankar Mishra on his podcast, “Music composer R.
D. Burman was bigger than Mahatma Gandhi. Like Mahatma Gandhi was the father of the nation, R.
D. Burman was the father of the nation in the world of music”. If this wasn’t enough, the singer went on to launch a more scathing attack on Gandhi calling him the father of nation for Pakistan.
“Mahatma Gandhi was the father of the nation for Pakistan and not India. India already existed, Pakistan was carved out of India later. Gandhi has been mistakenly called the father of nation for India.
He was the one responsible behind the existence of Pakistan”, he added. Pune lawyer files case against Abhijeet Bhattacharya According to a report by The Free Press Journal, Pune-based lawyer, Asim Sarode, who claims to be representing one Manish Deshpande and other law students, has threatened to initiate criminal prosecution against Abhijeet if he fails to submit a written apology for his comments on Mahatma Gandhi. Abhijeet Bhattacharya's music journey Abhijeet Bhattacharya was launched by R.
D. Burman in a Bengali film with a duet song with veteran singer Ash.