
Completing 10,000 steps daily is often considered a benchmark for maintaining good health. However, for people with a 9-5 desk job, it may become too much and can feel like an impossible task. Sitting for long hours can have adverse effects on your health, and can lead to problems like unnecessary weight gain, back pain, and increased risk of chronic diseases.

But the good news is that with a little effort and the right strategies, hitting that step count goal can become doable. So if you’re trying to complete 10,000 steps a day but failing due to work commitments? Worry no more! Here we have listed easy ways to achieve your daily step count. 1.

Start Your Day with a WalkOne of the simplest ways to increase your daily step count is by starting your day with a brisk walk. Whether it's a 15-minute stroll around your neighbourhood or a quick jog, this will not only help you log a few thousand steps early but also set a positive tone for the rest of your day. But if you're tight on time, consider parking farther away from your office or getting off public transport a stop earlier to walk some extra steps before you start your desk job.

2. Take the StairsIf your office building has stairs, use them as much as possible. Ditch the elevator and take the stairs to get to your floor.

This is an effective way to add steps to your day. Even if you work on a higher floor, try to walk at least halfway and gradually increase the number of floors you climb as you get used to it. 3.

Walk Du.

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