
"Morning Joe" co-host Joe Scarborough pounced on the Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts Friday for t hreatening violence if Donald Trump doesn't win re-election in November. During a recent appearance on the conservative outlet "Real America's Voice", Roberts replied to a question about the upcoming election by ominously stating, “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless ― if the left allows it to be." That comment has been widely regarded as a threat of another Jan.

6, and Scarborough was definitely not putting up with it on MSNBC. Calling the comment another sign of a conservative "fever dream" believing a civil war is in the offing, the host ripped into Roberts for painting the U.S.

as a hellscape. "Okay, that's Kevin? Kevin Roberts, is that right? " he began. "First of all, Kev, I'm not losing my mind.

You know what I talk about, Kevin? I talk about how great America is. I say it all the time — all the time— talked about how great our military is. "I get sick and tired of people like you trashing our military, talking about how weak our military is.

It's not weak, our military is stronger than it's ever been. The communist Chinese are scared of us. Russia is scared of us.

Our enemies are scared of us. I'm not talking down America, I'm actually very bullish on America." ALSO READ: Morning Joe accuses 'scared to death' Trump aides of 'hiding him' after debate Having gotten that out of the way, he lectured Roberts:.

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