
The plans, submitted last week, are for Wootton Fields, in Queens Head near Oswestry, are for four holiday lets and associated works. The site is close to the British Ironwork Centre, off the A5 towards Shrewsbury, and a design and access statement set out that the land owners want to secure a retirement through holiday lets. It said: “(The owners) have lived at Wootton for over five years and have family and friends in the area.

“The existing house sits on a large plot with outbuildings and land. “(They) want to retire and in doing so wish to secure the future of the family home with converting some old derelict dog kennels into holiday lets. “The area has lots for tourist interests with beautiful Shropshire countryside and Oswestry being four miles north.

” According to the planning statement, the current dog kennel buildings are ‘in a state of disrepair’ and ‘offer little in visual’. It added: “The proposed holiday lets will improve the visual impact and lift the whole area. “Being single storey and a flat roof, the building will have minimal impact on the neighbouring houses, in fact it will improve the outlook for them.

” The statement said that there were no expectations for the local ecology to be affected by the proposal with no plans for trees to be cut down while the applicants intend to increase planting around the holiday lets. The statement concluded by saying that tourism demands around north Shropshire and in Oswestry would make this application one that is beneficial to the area. It said: “After careful consideration we feel the proposed application will have a minimal impact on the surrounding area and neighbours.

“The visual impact of the holiday lets will be an improvement to what is there currently. Share your views on this story by sending a letter to the editor. To get in touch email , or .

“With demand for tourism in the area high we feel that these lets will provide good, quality accommodation for people outside of the area to stay and enjoy the countryside and the local area. “We hope the information contained in this statement, alongside the plans demonstrate the requirement for the amendments and subsequently we hope this application is determined positively.” Consultation remains open on the application until Wednesday, September 11 and a decision is expected around one moth later.


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